Information on Cloning, Patenting, Biopiracy, Nanotechnology

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FDA Approves
Food from Clones

Tell the Grocery Stores
You Won't Buy It

With the FDA failing to protect consumers from cloned meat, it is time to take the fight to the grocery stores.

The FDA may have given the go ahead for cloned meat to hit the shelves by lifting the ban on cloned meat, but that doesn't mean we have to accept cloned meat in our stores.

Grocery stores will only stock cloned meat if it is profitable for them, and together we can make sure that it isn't. Sign the petition below, and let the grocery stores know that you intend to exercise your power as a consumer and vote with your pocketbook.

Sign the Petition

Genetic Crossroads Newsletter - Center for Genetics and Society
Public Patent Foundation - Representing the public's interest in the patent system
Genetically Engineered Fish campaign by Center for Food Safety
Action BioScience - Seven Biological challenges - how do they affect your life?
Campaign for Responsible Transplantation
FDA Xenotransplantation Site
Read a Detailed Critique of the FDA's Risk Assessment
Compilation and Analysis of Public Opinion Polls on Animal Cloning - (2 page PDF from The Center for Food Safety)
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