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Dave's Garden is the hands-down favorite website of gardeners around the world. Our articles and videos show you how to start seeds and learn how to have your best garden ever. Members can chat with other gardeners in our 252 forums, and identify your plants, pests, birds and butterflies. Heres what is happening right now in Daves Garden:


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Burls: Nature's Masterpieces, by Marna Towne

Burls (or burrs in the U.K.) are fascinating works of nature.

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Brody glassware for your buds, bulbs, and branches, by Sally G. Miller

I've been shopping at thrift stores to collect Brody glass. Right now I'm using it to display dried flowers and forced bulbs. Someday I'm hoping it'll fund my retirement. Well, maybe it will buy me a nice dinner.

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The Beauty of Bark, by Sharon Brown

I do it every year. I mope through the winter months, threaten to move to Florida, grumble at the clouds, moan in the cold temps. It is winter and I am a summer person. But last week, I rescued my neighbor's cat and it opened my eyes to an unlikely surprise.

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PlantFiles: Large-flowered Climbing Rose 'New Dawn' (Rosa )

Large-flowered Climbing Rose 'New Dawn'

(Rosa )

If you are planning on growing this climber, you will need a good support system to hold it. It will take over your arbor....
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Olive Barn

Review by sjp8987:

I ordered a Picotee Amaryllis bulb from Olive Barn on clearance for $4.99- with shipping, it was aroun 10 or 11 dollars -...
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BirdFiles: Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

Northern Mockingbird

(Mimus polyglottos)

The song of the 'mocker' is a beautiful chorus of calls, and changes with the season. It was adopted as the state bird of...
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BugFiles: Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Red-spotted Purple

(Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

I found mine in 2007, just sitting on our screened in porch. It allowed me to take several close ups before flying off. The...
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Map: Garden Centers, Garden Supplies

Waldingfield Farm

1 stars
They were not honest about having a stand at the New Milford farm market on Saturdays. I joined with the understanding that...
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Gardening Book: Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians

Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians

Review by Sundownr:

The book tells of historical and current medicinal uses, including Native American, for 45 plants (trees, shrubs, flowers,...
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white small flower...weed? herbs? id pls..

smooth succulent stem, creeping on ground and half erected, oblong lanceolate foliage ( long +/- 35 mm, wide +/- 12 mm), from the "leaf-pit" blooms white flower diameter about 12 mm...pls id this plant, maybe a herbal plant
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With over 400,000 members, Dave's Garden is an amazing resource for beginning and experienced gardeners alike. Inside, you'll find over 250 forums dedicated to every type of home and gardening topic you can think of. From annuals and bonsai trees to vegetable gardening and winter sowing; from tips on seeds and planting to advice on regional gardening, this is a gold mine of friendly advice and knowledge shared by experienced gardeners from around the world.

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