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become a cfsa member!
We're glad that you're thinking about joining us! Our members are the heart of Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. Benefits of membership include: discounts to CFSA events, subscription to our quarterly newsletter, action alerts, and access to the members-only listservs and publications. Your dues support our event programming as well as our projects. With your help, we can continue to grow the sustainable agriculture movement in the Carolinas. Not ready to become a member? We always need volunteers !

Memberships levels include:

Individual & Farmer Membership:

For Individuals and Farms: The basic Individual membership covers a single or multi-person household or farm for just $39/year dues. Membership benefits include all of the above, plus a free listing for farm members in our oline local food locator. Also includes free listing in our online classifieds and one free classified in Stewardship News per year. Supporting members ($100) also receive a CFSA t-shirt and bumper sticker. Special Limited Income/Student rates also available. Memberships valued over $39/year are tax deductible.

Business & Organization Membership:

For Businesses, Farmers Markets and other Organizations: Includes all the benefits above, plus a free advertisement or listing in our quarterly newsletter Stewardship News, a listing in the business section of our online Membership Directory, and a FREE listing in our online food locator. Also includes free listing in our online classifieds. Rates vary based on size and type of organization.

Benefactor Program Membership:

The Benefactor program is a lifetime level of CFSA Membership. Individuals who contribute $1,000 or more to CFSA under this program are designated "Benefactors" and receive all the benefits of membership, including a subscription to the Stewardship News, enrollment in our members-only regional listservs, discounts on CFSA programs including the annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference, a free listing in the Carolinas Guide to Local and Organic Food, and invaluable networking with like-minded advocates for sustainable food systems. The original contribution will be placed in an interest-bearing fund, and the individual's yearly membership dues of $39 per year will be paid from the income of that fund. Thus Benefactors will be freed from receiving membership renewal notices, and they will have the satisfaction of knowing they are enhancing CFSA's financial security and improving our success in pursuing grant funding. The original contribution is fully tax-deductible as a charitable contribution in the year it is received for current members. For individuals just joining CFSA as new members, all amounts over $39 are tax deductible in the year they are received. CFSA thanks you for your generous support, and welcomes you as a lifetime Benefactor of sustainable agriculture!

volunteer with cfsa

Please fill out the following form to volunteer for future cfsa events or programs.

Name: Address:

Phone: Email:

What CFSA Chapter are you interested in supporting?

What event are you interested in contributing your time to?
(please check all the apply):
Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference Farm Tour On-Farm Dinner
Any CFSA initiative

Tell us about your skills/interests! (please check all the apply):
Administrative support (mailings, dissemination of materials, etc.)
On-site event support
Preparing food or serving food
I would like to donate food for an event

Other (please describe):