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Home of the electronic version of "A Modern Herbal" by Maud Grieve.

"realizing the Perfection all around you,
and realizing You are the Perfection.."---anonymous (1949 - )


"A Modern Herbal"

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A Modern Herbal 

"A Modern Herbal" - By Mrs. Maud Grieve
Mrs. Grieves"A Modern Herbal" continues to be one of the most popular resources for herbal information. Written in the early part of the last century, the advise is both timely and historical. A great read.
[Read "A Modern Herbal" Online]

Purchase Herbal Products Purchase Herbal Products
Accessories & Tools, Aromatherapy, Aroma Sprays and Flower Waters, Babies/Children, Body and Bath, Books, Bulk Herbs & Spices, Bulk Seasonings, Bulk Ingredients, Butters, Capsules, Carrier Oils, Clays, Containers, Essential Oils, Facial Care, Flavoring Extracts, Green, Black & Red Teas, Hair Care, Herbal Oils, Herbal Teas, Incense, Resins and Candles, Liquid Herbal Extracts and Syrups, Massage Oils, Pets, Salves & Balms, Seeds, Tea Supplies ...and much more! [all products]
Hydroponic Supplies Hydroponic Sytems & Supplies
Hydroponic Systems, Mediums & Pots, Propogation Supplies, Nutrients and Liquids, Air Filters & Can Fans, Pest Control, Ballasts & Reflectors, Bulbs, Meters, Pumps, Timers, Mylar, [all products]
Herbal Books Herbal Books
A very nice selection of herbal titles, including books on healing, cooking, growing and the arts.
Learning About Lavender - Household Cleaners, Cooking with Lavender
Joel & Diane Orcutt, Lavendar Farmers -

Nothing says SPRING more than fresh Lavender.   But while Lavender is beautiful and fragrant, it also works its special wonders in the ways we can care for our home.  This article about typical household cleaners and Lavender's application is eye opening. But even beyond this, did you know that you can cook with Lavender?  You can, and the results are delicious!

Cinnamon & Diabetes Management

Is it possible that a pinch of spice can make things better? If you are a Type II Diabetic, this is a MUST READ article.

| Read Article | Learn About Cinnamomum cassia | Buy Cinnamomum cassia |

Article by Fred Raleigh, Pharm.D., BCPP
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Remember the Spirograph Toy?

We found a digital version of that same old fashioned Spirograph from days gone by. Click Here To Play!

FOX News Investigative Reporters Fired
For Telling The Truth (about Monsanto)

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