Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Program

The Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Program is a highly competitive federal program mandated by the Congress as a part of the Small Business Development Act. Each year designated federal departments and agencies award a reserved portion of their research and development funds to small businesses and to partnerships between small businesses and nonprofit research institutions to bring innovative technologies to market.

The NCMHD SBIR/STTR Programs give high priority to research activities designed to empower health disparity communities to achieve health equity through health education, disease prevention, and partnering in community based, problem driven research.

The SBIR/STTR Programs award funding to small businesses in three phases.

  • Phase I funding establishes the technical/scientific merit and feasibility of proposed research and development efforts. SBIR Phase I awards of up to $100,000 are given for a period of no more than six months. STTR Phase I awards normally do no exceed $100,000 for a period of one year.
  • Phase II awards continue the research and development efforts initiated in Phase I with an increased focus on the commercial potential of the project. Funding is contingent upon the results of Phase I and will not exceed $750,000 for two years.
  • During Phases I and II, SBIR/STTR funds support the grantee’s research and development efforts. During Phase III, the grantee secures non-SBIR/STTR funds to bring innovative technologies to the commercial market.

For more information on the SBIR/STTR Program visit:

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