More about Size Standards



NAICS is described in the North American Industry Classification Manual — United States, 2007, which is available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; by calling 1(800) 553-6847 or 1(703) 605-6000; or on the Internet .  The manual includes definitions for each industry and a comprehensive index.  NAICS assigns codes to all economic activity within twenty broad Sectors.  Section 121.201 of SBA's Small Business Size Regulations provides the full table of small business size standards matched to the U.S. NAICS industry codes. 


Correspondence Tables: 2007 NAICS-US matched to 2002 NAICS-US and 2002 NAICS-US matched to 2007 NAICS-US.  


Table of Small Business Size Standards


HAZMat Registration Program of the U.S. Department of Transportation.  To determine your eligibility as a small business, please see our HAZMat page.


Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program — The Program was established in 1988 in response to the concern that a disproportionately large number of contracts in certain industries were being set aside for small businesses.  At the same time, opportunities for small businesses were not being made available in other unrelated industries in which small business participation rates were historically low.


Glossary of terms relating to small business size standards.