planning branch logo, a stylized red castle with the following text below: US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District -- Walla 
Walla District Anandromous Fish Evaluation Program with image of Salmon Smolt

Anadromous Fisheries Evaluation Program       Fish Facility Design Workgroup       research

research updates       FFDRWG minutes       other intesting web sites       CURRENT STUDIES

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2008 Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP) Annual Review

2007 AFEP Annual Review

2007 Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP) Preliminary Research Proposals

2006 Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP) Schedule and Reports

Removable Spillway Weir

McNary Dam Surface Passage Alternatives Development Workshop

Fish facility design review workgroup(FFDRWG) and other meeting minutes

History of McNary Temperature Study
Review of 2004 temperature data for McNary Temperature Study

February 2004 FFDRWG minutes
July 2003 FFDRWG minutes
April 2003 FFDRWG minutes
January 2003 FFDRWG minutes


Evaluation of Post Release Losses and Barging Stratefies that Minimize Post Release Mortality, 2005

Passage behavior and survival for river-run subyearling Chinook salmon at Ice Harbor Dam, 2004

Partioning Survival for Steelhead between Lower Monumental and McNary Dams, 2004

Transportation of Juvenile Salmonids on the Columbia and Snake Rivers, 2004: Final Report for 2002 Steelhead Juveniles with Updates on Other Transport Studies

Evaluation of Adult Pacific Lampprey Passage and Behavior in an Experimental Fishway at Bonneville Dam

An Evaluation of Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Behavior at the Northshore Counting Window of Lower Monumental Dam using Radiotelemetry: 2004

2004 Estimation of FGE at McNary Dam Under Two Turbine Loading Conditions

McNary forebay temperature CFD modeling final report, 2005

Effects of Differential Spill Volume and Entrainment Depth on Survival and Injurty of Juvenile Salmonids at the Ice Harbor Dams Spillway,2004

Spillway Survival for Hatchery Yearling and Subyearling Chinook Salmon Passing Ice Harbor Dam, 2000

Spillway Passage Survival of Hatchery Yearling and Subyearling Chinook Salmon at Ice Harbor Dam, 2002

Spillway Passage Survival of Hatchery Yearling Chinook Salmon at Ice Harbor Dam, 2003

Migration Depths of Adult Spring-Summer Chinook Salmon in the Lower Columbia and Snake Rivers In Relations to Dissolved Gas Supersaturation, 2004

An Evaluation of Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Behavior at Counting Windows and Through Vertical Slot Weirs of Bonneville Dam using Radio Telemetry. 2001-2003

Hydroacoustic Evaluation of the Effects of Spill Treatments on Fish Passage at Ice Harbor Dam, 2003

Juvenile Salmonid Direct Survival/Injury in Passage Through The Ice Harbor Dam Spillway, Snake River, 2003

Passage Behavior and Survival of Hatchery Yearling Chinook Salmon passing Ice Harbor and McNary Dams, 2001

Survival Workshop Proceedings- August 2003

Evaluation of the Effects of the Lower Monumental Stilling Basin Repair on Adult Salmonids in 2002

Assessment of the Extent of Potential Salmonid Predation by American White Pelicans in the Pool and Tailrace of McNary Dam 2002

Spillway Survival for Hatchery Yearly and Sub-yearling Chinook Salmon Passing ice Harbor Dam, 2000

Evaluation of the Effects of Extended Length Submersible Bar Screens at McNary Dam on Migrating Juvenile Pacific Lamprey, 2002

Identification and Enumeration of Steelhead Kelts, 2000

Estuaine Recovery of PIT-Tagged Juvenile Salmonids From Lower Granite Dam Transportation Study, 1998

Migration of Adult Steelhead Past Dams And Through Reservoirs in the Lower Snake River and into Tributaries, 1991-1995


The appearance of these hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein. USACE does not exercise any editorial control over information you may find at these locations.

USACE Portland District Fish and Wildlife Pacific Salmon Coordination Office (Corps of Engineers)
DART homepage Salmon Life History
Fish Passage Center Home Page Removeable Spillway Weir
Bonneville Power Administration Northwest Power Planning Council
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle PITAGIS
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Technical Management Team (TMT)
Salmon Facts from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Daily and Annual Adult Fish Counts (USACE site)
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Environmental Analysis

This page updated 08/17/06

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