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Business Formation Economic Research


October 2008 – Baccalaureate Education and the Employment Decision: Self-Employment and the Class of 1993 [PDF file], submitted by Chad Moutray, Research Summary [PDF file].

August 2008 – Do Business Definition Decisions Distort Small Business Research Results? [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Brian Headd and Radwan Saade, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

June 2008 – High-Impact Firms: Gazelles Revisited [PDF File] by Zoltan Acs, William Parsons and Spencer Tracy; Corporate Research Board, LLC Research Summary. [PDF File]

June 2008 – Entrepreneurship and the Barrier to Exit: How Does an Entrepreneur-Friendly Bankruptcy Law Affect Entrepreneurship Development at a Societal Level? [PDF file] submitted by Seung-Hyun Lee, Yasuhiro Yamakawa, and Mike W. Peng of the University of Texas at Dallas, Inc., Research Summary [PDF]

February 2008 – Rural and Urban Establishment Births and Deaths Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Business Information Tracking Series [PDF File], an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Lawrence A. Plummer, Clemson University, and Brian Headd, Office of Advocacy Research Summary. [PDF File]

December 2007 – Pre-venture Planning [PDF File] by William B. Gartner and Jianwen (Jon) Liao

December 2007 – Educational Attainment and Other Characteristics of the Self-Employed: An Examination using Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics [PDF File] a working paper by Chad Moutray, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary. [PDF File]

October 2007 – Small Business Growth: Searching for Stylized Facts [PDF File] a working paper by Brian Headd, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy and Bruce Kirchhoff, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Research Summary. [PDF File]

July 2007 – The Effect of Wealth and Race on Start-up Rates [PDF File] submitted by Maritza Salazar (BCT Partners, LLC), Research Summary. [PDF File]

June 2007 – Corporate Venture Capital and the International Intensity of Portfolio Companies [PDF File] submitted by Joseph A. LiPuma, Boston University, Research Summary. [PDF File]

June 2007 – A Real Options Model of Stepwise Entry into Self-Employment [PDF File] submitted by Karl J. Wennberg, Timothy Folta, and Frederic Delmar, Research Summary. [PDF File]

February 2007 – Friends or Foes: The Spatial Dynamic Between Established Firms and Entrants [PDF File] submitted by Lawrence Plummer, Research Summary. [PDF File]

February 2007 – Small Business and State Growth: An Econometric Investigation [PDF File] submitted by Donald Bruce, John Deskins, Brian Hill, and Jonathan Rork, Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2007 – Getting the Most Bang for the Buck: An Analysis of States’ Relative Efficiencies in Promoting the Birth of Small Firms [PDF File] submitted by Whitney Peake and Maria Marshall, Purdue University, Research Summary.[PDF File]

December 2006 – Entrepreneurship and Education: What is Known and Not Known about the Links Between Education and Entrepreneurial Activity [PDF file], submitted by Mark Weaver; Louisiana State University

December 2006 – The Economic Role of Small Businesses Using Large Data Sets: An Analysis of the Contributions of Small Firms to Urban Growth [PDF file], submitted by Steven Craig and Janet Kohlhase, Research Summary [PDF file].

December 2006 – Volatility and Asymmetry of Small Firm Growth Rates Over Increasing Time Frames [PDF file], submitted by Rich Perline, Robert Axtell, and Daniel Teitelbaum, Research Summary [PDF file].

June 2006 – How Did Small Business-Owning Households Fare During the Longest U.S. Economic Expansion? [PDF file], submitted by Charles Ou and George Haynes, Research Summary [PDF file].

March 2006 – Innovation and Small Business Performance: Examining the Relationship Between Technological Innovation and the Within Industry Distributions of Fast Growth Firms, [PDF file], submitted by Peregrine Analytics, LLC., Research Summary.

July 2005 Research Study [PDF file], A Spatial Model of the Impact of State Bankruptcy Exemptions on Entrepreneurship, submitted by Aparna Mathur, Research Summary.

February 2005 – Research Study [PDF file], Using Census BITS To Explore Entrepreneurship, Geography, and Economic Growth, submitted by By Zoltan J. Acs and Catherine Armington Research Summary.

January 2005 – Research Study [PDF file], Firm Size Dynamics of Industries: Stochastic Growth Processes, Large Fluctuations, and the Population of Firms as a Complex System, submitted by By Daniel Teitelbaum and Robert Axtell, NuTech Solutions, Inc., Research Summary.

December 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], Development of Business Data: Tracking Firm Counts, Growth,
and Turnover by Size of Firms,
submitted by Catherine Armington Research Summary.

December 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], Self-Employed Business Ownership Rates in the United States: 1979-2003, submitted by Robert W. Fairlie Research Summary.

November 2003 Research Study [PDF File], Expect Costs of Startup Ventures, submitted by Blade Consulting Corporation Research Summary.

August 2003 Research Study [PDF file], Redefining Business Success: Distinguishing Between Closure and Failure - This paper uses government data sources to analyze business survival and the success status of closed businesses. It was published in the August 2003 edition of Small Business Economics, a journal from Kluwer Online, and appears here with their permission, written by Brian Headd.

July 2003 – Research Study [PDF file], Small Business During the Business Cycle, submitted by Joel Popkin and Company, Research Summary.

September 2002 Research Study [PDF file], Share of Small Business NAICS Industries, submitted by Joel Popkin and Company Research Summary.

September 2002 Research Study [PDF file], Estimation of Small Business Wealth, submitted by Joel Popkin and Company Research Summary.

January 2002 Research Study [PDF file], Small Business Share of Economic Growth, submitted by Joel Popkin and Company Research Summary.

November 2001 Research Study [PDF file], Earnings Growth among Disadvantaged Business Owners, submitted by Robert Fairlie Research Summary.

June 2001Research Study [PDF file], Economic Policy and the Start-up, Survival, and Growth of Entrepreneurial Ventures, submitted by Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Harvey S. Rosen Research Summary.

June 2001 Research Study [PDF file], Wealth and Income: How Did Small Businesses Fare from 1989 to 1998?, submitted by George W. Haynes Research Summary.

March 2001 Research Study [PDF file], Analyses of Business Dissolution by Demographic Category of Business Ownership, submitted by Richard J. Boden, Jr. Research Summary.

March 2001 Research Study [PDF file], Rural and Urban Areas by Firm Size, 1990-1995, – A report on the changing share of small employer firms with regard to establishments and employment in rural and urban areas by major industry and state prepared by Dr. Charles Ou and Dr. Robert Berney.

January 2001 Research Study [PDF file], Business Success: Factors leading to surviving and closing successfully (leaving SBA) - Article written in the Office of Advocacy and published as a U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies working paper analyzing survival and closure issues by business type, submitted by Brian P. Headd.

September 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Establishment Employment Change and Survival, 1992-1996: Analyses Based on a New, Longitudinal Data Base with Special Focus on Information Technology Industries, submitted by Dr Richard J. Boden Research Summary.

September 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Analysis of Hispanic-Owned Companies, submitted by Cognetics Research Summary.

May 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Small Business Survival in Competition with Large Multi-Unit Retail Firms, submitted by Jack Faucett Associates, Inc., Research Summary.

March 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Homebased Business: The Hidden Economy, submitted by Joanne H. Pratt Associates Research Summary.

March 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Statistics of U.S. Businesses - Microdata and Tables, submitted by Catherine Armington Research Summary.

March 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Financial Difficulties of Small Businesses and Reasons for Their Failure, submitted by Teresa Sullivan; Elizabeth Warren; and Jay Westbrook Research Summary.

April 1998 Research Study [PDF file], U.S. Summary Corporate Change Tables, submitted by David L. Birch Research Summary.

1997 Research Study [PDF file], Small Business Growth by Major Industry 1988-1995 - Analyzes Bureau of the Census data to show the growth and the changing importance of small business by major industry.

April 1996 Research Study, Changing Characteristics of the Self-Employed, submitted by Carolyn Looff Associates Research Summary [PDF file].

1995 Research Study, Entrepreneurial Origins: A Longitudinal Inquiry,submitted by Bradely R. Schiller; a Philip Crewson Research Summary [HTML].

1994 Research Study, The Function of Failure, submitted by Richard Fullenbaum; and Mariana McNeill  Research Summary [HTML].

1993 Research Study, Myths and Realities of Working at Home: Characteristics of Homebased Business Owners and Telecommuters, submitted by Joanne H. Pratt, Research Summary [HTML].

1992 Research Study, Business Survival Rates by Age Cohort of Business, submitted by Joel Popkin and Company Research Summary [HTML].

Historical research

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