Table of Contents

Title File Size (Kb) Revision Date STGC Review Date
Above Ground Multi-outlet Pipeline - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 38  02/14/2007 02/14/2007
Above Ground, Multi-outlet Pipeline - Contruction Requirement Worksheet 32  02/27/2007 02/27/2007
Above Ground, Multi-outlet Pipeline - Documentation Checklist 28  02/27/2007 02/27/2007
Above Ground, Multi-outlet Pipeline - Operation & Maintenance 31  02/27/2007 02/27/2007
Above Ground, Multi-outlet Pipeline - Standard 155  02/14/2007 02/14/2007
Above Ground, Multi-outlet Pipeline - Statement of Work 37  02/02/2007 02/02/2007
Access Control - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 611  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Access Control - Standard 62  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Access Control - Statement of Work 38  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Access Road - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Access Road - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 31  06/03/2003 06/03/2003
Access Road - Documentation Checklist 22  06/03/2003 06/03/2003
Access Road - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/03/2003 06/03/2003
Access Road - Standard 78  06/03/2003 06/03/2003
Access Road - Statement of Work 35  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Agrichemical Handling Facility - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 90  05/28/2008 05/28/2008
Agrichemical Handling Facility - Standard 141  05/28/2008 05/28/2008
Agrichemical Handling Facility - Statement of Work 37  05/28/2008 05/28/2008
Agrichemical Mixing Facility - Documentation Checklist 28  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Agrichemical Mixing Facility - Standard 83  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Agrichemical Mixing Facility - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Alley Cropping - Standard 70  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Alley Cropping - Statement of Work 38  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Amendments for the Treatment of Agricultural Waste - Standard 67  08/12/2005 08/12/2005
Anaerobic Digester - Ambient Temperature - Standard 129  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Anaerobic Digester - Ambient Temperature - Statement of Work 33  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Anaerobic Digester - Controlled Temperature - Standard 81  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Anaerobic Digester - Controlled Temperature - Statement of Work 35  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Animal Mortality Facility - Standard 83  08/03/2006 08/03/2006
Animal Trails and Walkways - Standard 62  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Animal Trails and Walkways - Statement of Work 49  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Anionic Polyacrylamide - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Anionic Polyacrylamide - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Anionic Polyacrylamide - Standard 16  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Anionic Polyacrylamide - Statement of Work 31  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Aquaculture Ponds - Standard 89  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Aquaculture Ponds - Statement of Work 33  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Archived - Drainage Water Management - Standard - 090108 11  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Grassed Waterway - Construction Requirements Worksheet - 090108 31  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Grassed Waterway - Standard - 090108 17  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Mulching - Standard - 090108 65  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Residue Management, Seasonal - Standard - 090108 63  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Stripcropping - Standard - 090108 83  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Terrace - Construction Requirements Worksheet - 090108 29  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Terrace - Standard - 090108 74  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Archived - Underground Outlet - Standard - 090108 17  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Atmospheric Resource Quality Management - Standard 105  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Atmospheric Resource Quality Management - Statement of Work 35  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Bedding - Construction Requirements Worksheet 29  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Bedding - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Bedding - Operation & Maintenance 35  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Bedding - Standard 42  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Bedding - Statement of Work 36  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Brush Management - Jobsheet 167  05/06/2008 05/06/2008
Brush Management - Standard 92  05/06/2008 05/06/2008
Brush Management - Statement of Work 54  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Channel Bank Vegetation - Standard 253  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Channel Bank Vegetation - Statement of Work 40  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Channel Stabilization - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Channel Stabilization - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 25  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Channel Stabilization - Documentation Checklist 21  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Channel Stabilization - Operation & Maintenance 28  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Channel Stabilization - Standard 59  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Channel Stabilization - Statement of Work 40  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Clearing and Snagging - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 24  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Clearing and Snagging - Documentation Checklist 21  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Clearing and Snagging - Operation & Maintenance 28  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Clearing and Snagging - Standard 57  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Clearing and Snagging - Statement of Work 31  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Closure of Waste Impoundments - Documentation Checklist 21  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Closure of Waste Impoundments - Standard 115  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Closure of Waste Impoundments - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Composting Facility - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Composting Facility - Documentation Checklist 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Composting Facility - Operation & Maintenance 37  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Composting Facility - Standard 73  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Composting Facility - Statement of Work 46  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan - SOW 52  07/29/2004 07/29/2004
Conservation Cover - Specification Worksheet 35  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Conservation Cover - Standard 185  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Conservation Cover - Statement of Work 46  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Conservation Crop Rotation - Standard 18  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Conservation Crop Rotation - Statement of Work 42  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Conservation-Planning - SOW 32  07/29/2004 07/29/2004
Constructed Wetland - Standard 82  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Constructed Wetland - Statement of Work 38  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Contour Buffer Strips - Standard 180  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Contour Buffer Strips - Statement of Work 44  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Contour Farming - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Contour Farming - Standard 161  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Contour Farming - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Contour Orchard and Other Fruit Area - Standard 75  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Contour Orchard and Other Fruit Area - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Corrugated, Ribbed or Profile Wall Thermal Pipeline - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Corrugated, Ribbed or Profile Wall Thermal Pipeline - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Corrugated, Ribbed or Profile Wall Thermal Pipeline - Standard 22  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Corrugated, Ribbed or Profile Wall Thermal Pipeline Construction Specification/Job Sheet 44  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Cover Crop - Standard 98  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Cover Crop - Statement of Work 42  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Critical Area Planting - Specification Worksheet 35  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Critical Area Planting - Standard 185  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Critical Area Planting - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Cross Wind Ridges - Standard 16  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Cross Wind Ridges - Statement of Work 42  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Cross Wind Trap Strips - Standard 74  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Cross Wind Trap Strips - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Cultural Resources Archival Research - SOW 38  07/29/2004 07/29/2004
Cultural Resources Evaluations - SOW 79  07/29/2004 07/29/2004
Cultural Resources Identification Survey - SOW 46  07/29/2004 07/29/2004
Dam - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 46  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam - Documentation Checklist 21  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam - Standard 79  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam - Statement of Work 35  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Dam, Diversion - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Dam, Diversion - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam, Diversion - Documentation Checklist 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam, Diversion - Operation & Maintenance 32  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam, Diversion - Standard 60  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dam, Diversion - Statement of Work 38  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Declining Habitat Basin Big Sagebrush in the Snake River Plain 77  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Declining Habitat Low Elevation Wetlands Below 4000 Feet 94  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Declining Habitat Old Growth Ponderosa Pine Forest 72  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Declining Habitat Palouse Prairie 65  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Declining Habitat Riverine Cottonwood Forest on Big Rivers of Southern Idaho 75  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Declining Habitat Sagebrush Grass Steppe in the Western Snake River Plains 78  12/02/2005 12/02/2005
Deep Tillage - Standard 14  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Deep Tillage - Statement of Work 37  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Dike - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Dike - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 28  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dike - Documentation Checklist 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dike - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dike - Standard 82  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dike - Statement of Work 37  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Diversion - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Diversion - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Diversion - Documentation Checklist 20  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Diversion - Operation & Maintenance 37  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Diversion - Standard 16  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Diversion - Statement of Work 34  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Drainage Water Management - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Drainage Water Management - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Drainage Water Management - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Drainage Water Management - Standard 23  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Drainage Water Management - Statment of Work 17  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Dry Hydrant - Standard 17  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Dry Hydrant - Statement of Work 31  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Early Successional Habitat Development/Management (647) Standard 70  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Early Successional Habitat Development/Management Statement of Work 41  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Feed Management - Standard 60  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Feed Management - Statement of Work 51  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Fence (382A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 53  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 48  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382C) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 43  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382D) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 31  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382E) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 43  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382F) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382G) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence (382H) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence - Standard 66  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Fence - Statement of Work 39  07/18/2008 07/18/2008
Field Border - Standard 161  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Field Border - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Filter Strip - Construction Requirements Worksheet 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Filter Strip - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Filter Strip - Specification Worksheet 98  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Filter Strip - Standard 124  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Filter Strip - Statement of Work 47  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Firebreak - Standard 67  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Firebreak - Statement of Work 34  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Fish Passage - Standard 168  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Fish Passage - Statement of Work 32  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Fish Raceway or Tank - Standard 78  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Fish Raceway or Tank - Statement of Work 31  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Fishpond Management - Standard 125  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Fishpond Management - Statement of Work 37  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Forage Harvest Management - Standard 137  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Forage Harvest Management - Statement of Work 43  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Forest Slash Treatment - Standard 72  08/12/2005 08/12/2005
Forest Slash Treatment - Statement of Work 32  05/03/2006 05/03/2006
Forest Stand Improvement - Standard 74  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Forest Stand Improvement - Statment of Work 36  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Forest Trails and Landings - Standard 67  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Forest Trails and Landings - Statement of Work 37  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Fuel Break - Standard 58  08/12/2005 08/12/2005
Fuel Break - Statement of Work 33  05/03/2006 05/03/2006
Grade Stabilization Structure (410A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 22  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure (410B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 46  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure (410C) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure (410D) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 33  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure - Documentation Checklist 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure - Standard 81  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Grade Stabilization Structure - Statement of Work 35  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Grassed Waterway - Conservation Practice Job Sheet 93  01/08/2009 01/08/2009
Grassed Waterway - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grassed Waterway - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grassed Waterway - Documentation Checklist 20  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grassed Waterway - Operation & Maintenance 30  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grassed Waterway - Standard 28  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grassed Waterway - Statement of Work 17  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment - Standard 85  06/30/2003 06/30/2003
Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment - Statement of Work 30  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Heavy Use Area Protection - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Heavy Use Area Protection - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Heavy Use Area Protection - Documentation Checklist 22  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Heavy Use Area Protection - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Heavy Use Area Protection - Standard 73  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Heavy Use Area Protection - Statement of Work 38  09/27/2004 09/27/2004
Hedgerow Planting - Specification Worksheet 29  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Hedgerow Planting - Standard 82  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Hedgerow Planting - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Herbaceous Wind Barriers - Standard 94  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Herbacious Wind Barriers - Statement of Work 44  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
High Intensity Mulch Till - Dryland Job Sheet 81  10/02/2007 10/02/2007
High Intensity Mulch Till - Irrigated Job Sheet 83  10/23/2008 10/23/2008
Hillside Ditch - Construction Requirements Worksheet 29  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Hillside Ditch - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/04/2003 06/04/2003
Hillside Ditch - Standard 68  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Hillside Ditch - Statement of Work 34  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Idaho Standard Index 176  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Introduction 20  03/12/2003 03/12/2003
Irrigation Canal or Lateral - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Canal or Lateral - Documentation Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Canal or Lateral - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Canal or Lateral - Standard 84  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Canal or Lateral - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Field Ditch - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Field Ditch - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Field Ditch - Standard 83  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Field Ditch - Statement of Work 31  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Field Ditch Documentation - Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Documentation Checklist 22  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Operation & Maintenance 30  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Standard 19  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Land Leveling - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 48  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Documentation Checklist 21  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Standard 72  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Regulating Reservoir - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 44  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Documentation Checklist 21  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Standard 98  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation Storage Reservoir - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Construction Requirements Worksheet 33  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 48  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Documentation Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Standard 154  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Microirrigation - Statement of Work 48  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Construction Requirements Worksheet 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 34  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Documentation Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Standard 95  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Sprinkler - Statement of Work 39  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Documentation Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Standard 86  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Surface and Subsurface - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Documentation Checklist 20  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/05/2003 06/05/2003
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Standard 166  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery - Statement of Work 35  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance Pipeline, Nonreinforced Concrete - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 46  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance Pipeline, Nonreinforced Concrete - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance Pipeline, Nonreinforced Concrete - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance Pipeline, Nonreinforced Concrete - Standard 89  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Flexible Membrane - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Flexible Membrane - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal lining, Flexible Membrane - Documentation Checklist 27  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Flexible Membrane - Standard 82  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Flexible Membrane - Statement of Work 35  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Standard 62  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Documentation Checklist 27  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Galvanized Steel - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Plain Concrete - Standard 84  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Plain Concrete - Documentation Checklist 27  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Ditch and Canal Lining, Plain Concrete - Statement of Work 35  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Nonreinforced Concrete Ditch and Canal Lining - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Nonreinforced Concrete Ditch and Canal Lining - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 35  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Nonreinforced Concrete Ditch and Canal Lining - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Nonreinforced Concrete Ditch and Canal Lining - Operation & Maintenance 37  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Aluminum Tubing - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Aluminum Tubing - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Aluminum Tubing - Operation & Maintenance 37  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Aluminum Tubing - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Corrugated Metal - Documentation Checklist 24  04/29/2004 04/29/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Corrugated Metal Pipeline - Construction Requirements Worksheet 33  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Corrugated Metal Pipeline - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 46  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Corrugated Metal Pipeline - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Corrugated Metal Pipeline - Standard 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure Underground Plastic (430DD-A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure Underground Plastic (430DD-B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Operation & Maintenance 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Standard 34  12/21/2005 12/21/2005
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - High-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure - Underground, Plastic - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure Underground Plastic (430EE-A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure Underground Plastic (430EE-B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Operation & Maintenance 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Standard 44  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Low-Pressure, Underground, Plastic - Statement of Work 35  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Nonreinforced Concrete - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Nonreinforced Concrete - Statement of Work 32  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Portable Aluminum Tubing - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 36  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Portable Aluminum Tubing - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Portable Aluminum Tubing - Standard 121  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Reinforced Plastic Mortar - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Reinforced Plastic Mortar - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Reinforced Plastic Mortar - Operation & Maintenance 38  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Reinforced Plastic Mortar - Statement of Work 33  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 54  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Documentation Checklist 24  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Operation & Maintenance 39  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Standard 101  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Conveyance, Pipeline - Steel - Statement of Work 33  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Irrigation Water Management - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Management - Expanded Jobsheet 292  10/16/2007 10/16/2007
Irrigation Water Management - Job Sheet 216  10/19/2005 10/19/2005
Irrigation Water Management - Standard 99  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Irrigation Water Management - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Clearing - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Clearing - Operation & Maintenance 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Clearing - Standard 55  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Clearing - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Reclamation, Landslide Treatment - Standard 74  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Reclamation, Landslide Treatment - Statement of Work 37  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Reclamation, Toxic Discharge Control - Standard 82  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Reclamation, Toxic Discharge Control - Statement of Work 43  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Reconstruction, Abandoned Mined Land - Standard 164  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Reconstruction, Abandoned Mined Land - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Reconstruction, Currently Mined Land - Standard 165  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Reconstruction, Currently Mined Land - Statement of Work 39  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Land Smoothing - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Smoothing - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Smoothing - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Smoothing - Operation & Maintenance 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Smoothing - Standard 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Land Smoothing - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Lined Waterway or Outlet (468A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet (468B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet - Standard 89  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Lined Waterway or Outlet - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Mine Shaft and Adit Closing - Standard 74  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Mine Shaft and Adit Closing - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Mole Drain - Construction Requirements Worksheet 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Mole Drain - Standard 54  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Mole Drain - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Monitoring Well - Standard 65  04/06/2004 04/06/2004
Monitoring Well - Statement of Work 31  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Mulch Till - Irrigated Job Sheet 81  10/02/2007 10/02/2007
Mulching - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Mulching - Standard 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Mulching - Statement of Work 37  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Multi-Story Cropping - Standard 100  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
Multi-Story Cropping - Statement of Work 34  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
No Till/Direct Seed Jobsheet 409  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Nutrient Management - Basic NMP Jobsheet 142  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Nutrient Management - High Intensity NMP Jobsheet 147  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Nutrient Management - Job Sheet 326  10/19/2005 10/19/2005
Nutrient Management - Precision Agric Jobsheet 153  10/17/2007 10/17/2007
Nutrient Management - Standard 199  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Nutrient Management - Statement of Work 48  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Obstruction Removal - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Obstruction Removal - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 24  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Obstruction Removal - Standard 44  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Obstruction Removal - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Open Channel - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Open Channel - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Open Channel - Documentation Checklist 22  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Open Channel - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Open Channel - Standard 75  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Open Channel - Statement of Work 31  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pasture & Hay Planting - Specification Worksheet 35  09/30/2003 09/30/2003
Pasture and Hay Planting - Standard 173  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pasture and Hay Planting - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pest Management - Basic IPM Jobsheet 171  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - Biofumigant Jobsheet 153  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - Biofumigants Jobsheet 2005 1931  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - High Intensity IPM Jobsheet 173  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - IPM/Precision Ag Jobsheet 157  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - Scouting Jobsheet 2005 603  10/15/2007 10/15/2007
Pest Management - Standard 264  09/04/2008 09/04/2008
Pest Management - Statement of Work 43  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pipeline (516A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 43  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Pipeline (516B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 34  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Pipeline - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pipeline - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pipeline - Standard 115  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pipeline - Statement of Work 33  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pond (378) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 45  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond (378E) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 39  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Pond - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond - Operation & Maintenance 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond - Standard 85  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pond Sealing or Lining, Bentonite Sealant - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 24  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or LIning, Bentonite Sealant - Operation & Maintenance 28  07/22/2004 07/22/2004
Pond Sealing or Lining, Bentonite Sealant - Standard 12  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Bentonite Sealant - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pond Sealing or Lining, Compacted Clay Treatment - Standard 81  05/03/2006 05/03/2006
Pond Sealing or Lining, Compacted Clay Treatment - Statement of Work 39  05/03/2006 05/03/2006
Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 34  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane - Operation & Maintenance 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane - Standard 145  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Flexible Membrane - Statement of Work 40  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pond Sealing or Lining, Soil Dispersant - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Soil Dispersant - Operation & Maintenance 28  07/22/2004 07/22/2004
Pond Sealing or Lining, Soil Dispersant - Standard 12  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pond Sealing or Lining, Soil Dispersant - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Practice Life 37  08/02/2005 08/02/2005
Precision Land Forming - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Precision Land Forming - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 24  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Precision Land Forming - Documentation Checklist 22  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Precision Land Forming - Operation & Maintenance 36  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Precision Land Forming - Standard 55  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Precision Land Forming - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Prescribed Burning - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 90  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
Prescribed Burning - Standard 97  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Prescribed Burning - Statement of Work 48  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Prescribed Forestry - Standard 74  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
Prescribed Forestry - Statement of Work 51  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
Prescribed Grazing - Job Sheet 38  10/19/2005 10/19/2005
Prescribed Grazing - Specification Worksheet 75  10/01/2008 10/01/2008
Prescribed Grazing - Standard 41  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Prescribed Grazing - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Pumping Plant - Construction Requirements Worksheet 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pumping Plant - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pumping Plant - Documentation Checklist 27  04/28/2004 04/28/2004
Pumping Plant - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pumping Plant - Standard 69  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Pumping Plant - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Range Planting - Specification Worksheet 35  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Range Planting - Standard 165  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Range Planting - Statement of Work 48  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Recreation Area Improvement - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Area Improvement - Standard 53  11/22/2004 11/22/2004
Recreation Area Improvement - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Recreation Land Grading and Shaping - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Land Grading and Shaping - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Land Grading and Shaping - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Land Grading and Shaping - Standard 54  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Trail and Walkway - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Trail and Walkway - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Trail and Walkway - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Trail and Walkway - Standard 59  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Recreation Trail and Walkway - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Residue and Tillage Management, Mulch Till - Standard 104  01/20/2006 01/20/2006
Residue and Tillage Management, Ridge Till - Standard 96  01/20/2006 01/20/2006
Residue Management, Mulch Till - Statement of Work 47  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Residue Management, No Till, Strip Till, Direct Seed - Standard 97  01/20/2006 01/20/2006
Residue Management, No-Till and Strip Till - Statement of Work 46  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Residue Management, Ridge Till - Statement of Work 46  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Residue Management, Seasonal - Standard 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Residue Management, Seasonal - Statement of Work 37  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Restoration and Management of Declining Habitats - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 45  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Restoration and Management of Rare or Declining Habitats - Standard 66  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Restoration and Management of Rare or Declining Habitats - Statement of Work 41  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Riparian Forest Buffer - Specification Worksheet 29  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Riparian Forest Buffer - Standard 95  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Riparian Forest Buffer - Statement of Work 47  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Riparian Herbaceous Cover - Standard 82  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Riparian Herbaceous Cover - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Rock Barrier - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Rock Barrier - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Rock Barrier - Standard 54  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Rock Barrier - Statement of Work 31  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Roof Runoff Structure - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Roof Runoff Structure - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Roof Runoff Structure - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Roof Runoff Structure - Operation & Maintenance 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Roof Runoff Structure - Standard 13  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Roof Runoff Structure - Statement of Work 33  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Row Arrangement - Standard 58  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Row Arrangement - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Salinity and Sodic Soil Management - Standard 76  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Salinity and Sodic Soil Management - Statement of Work 31  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Sediment Basin (350A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 44  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Sediment Basin (350B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Sediment Basin Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Sediment Basin Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Sediment Basin Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Sediment Basin Standard 70  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Sediment Basin Statement of Work 35  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Shallow Water Development and Management - Standard 74  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Shallow Water Development and Management - Statement of Work 40  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Silvopasture Establishment - Standard 91  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Silvopasture Establishment - Statement of Work 34  11/09/2006 11/09/2006
Sinkhole and Sinkhole Area Treatment - Standard 164  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Soil Salinity Management - Nonirrigated - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Solid/Liquid Waste Separation Facility - Standard 81  08/12/2005 08/12/2005
Solid/Liquid Waste Separation Facility - Statement of Work 47  05/03/2006 05/03/2006
Spoil Spreading - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spoil Spreading - Standard 56  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spoil Spreading - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Spring Development - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 42  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spring Development - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spring Development - Operation & Maintenance 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spring Development - Standard 72  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Spring Development - Statement of Work 31  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Stream Crossing - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 35  04/06/2004 04/06/2004
Stream Crossing - Standard 71  04/06/2004 04/06/2004
Stream Habitat Improvement and Management - Standard 76  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Stream Habitat Improvement and Management - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Streambank and Shoreline Protection (580A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection (580B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection (580C) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 33  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Standard 70  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - Statement of Work 36  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Stripcropping - Construction Specfication/Job Sheet 30  07/22/2004 07/22/2004
Stripcropping - Standard 27  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Stripcropping - Statement of Work 38  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Structure for Water Control (587A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 41  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control (587B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 42  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control (587C) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control (587D) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 40  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control (587E) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control (587F) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 26  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control - Operation & Maintenance 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control - Standard 80  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Structure for Water Control - Statement of Work 34  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Subsurface Drain - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Subsurface Drain - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 49  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Subsurface Drain - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Subsurface Drain - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Subsurface Drain - Standard 76  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Subsurface Drain - Statement of Work 32  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Operation & Management 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Standard 58  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Field Ditch - Statement of Work 29  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Standard 72  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Drainage, Main or Lateral - Statement of Work 30  09/28/2004 09/28/2004
Surface Roughening - Standard 06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Surface Roughening - Statement of Work 31  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Terrace - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Terrace - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Terrace - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Terrace - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Terrace - Standard 34  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Terrace - Statement of Work 17  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Tree/Shrub Establishment - Standard 79  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Tree/Shrub Establishment - Statement of Work 38  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Tree/Shrub Pruning - Standard 70  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Tree/Shrub Pruning - Statement of Work 37  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Tree/Shrub Site Preparation - Standard 68  11/29/2006 11/29/2006
Tree/Shrub Site Preparation - Statement of Work 43  11/29/2006 11/29/2006
Underground Outlet - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Underground Outlet - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Underground Outlet - Conservation Practice Job Sheet 186  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Underground Outlet - Construction Requirements Worksheet 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Underground Outlet - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 46  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Underground Outlet - Standard 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Underground Outlet - Statement of Work 16  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management - Construction Specification 700  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management - Job Sheet 245  12/11/2007 12/11/2007
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management - Standard 94  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management - Statement of Work 37  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Vegetated Treatment Area - Standard 77  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Vegetated Treatment Area - Statement of Work 35  09/17/2008 09/17/2008
Vertical Drain - Standard 45  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Vertical Drain - Statement of Work 29  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Waste Facility Cover - Standard 65  02/06/2004 02/06/2004
Waste Facility Cover - Statement of Work 39  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Waste Storage Facility (313A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 43  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility (313B) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility (313C) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 47  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility (313D) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 24  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility - Construction Requirements Worksheet 31  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Waste Storage Facility - Documentation Checklist 22  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility - Standard 101  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Storage Facility - Statement of Work 43  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Waste Transfer - Conservation Practice Specification/Job Sheet 249  01/08/2009 01/08/2009
Waste Transfer - Standard 25  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Waste Transfer - Statement of Work 21  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Waste Treatment - Standard 73  08/12/2005 08/12/2005
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  07/15/2004 07/15/2004
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 47  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Documentation Checklist 21  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Standard 83  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waste Treatment Lagoon - Statement of Work 40  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Conservation Practice Job Sheet 98  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 27  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Standard 28  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Water and Sediment Control Basin - Statement of Work 43  01/09/2009 01/09/2009
Water Harvesting Catchment - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Harvesting Catchment - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Harvesting Catchment - Standard 46  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Harvesting Catchment - Statement of Work 30  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Water Well - Construction Requirements Worksheet 32  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Well - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 28  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Well - Documentation Checklist 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Well - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Well - Standard 78  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Water Well - Statement of Work 37  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Watering Facility - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 45  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Watering Facility - Documentation Checklist 20  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Watering Facility - Operation & Maintenance 29  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Watering Facility - Standard 152  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Watering Facility - Statement of Work 36  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Waterspreading - Construction Requirements Worksheet 30  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waterspreading - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 23  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waterspreading - Operation & Maintenance 31  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waterspreading - Standard 66  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Waterspreading - Statement of Work 29  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Well Decommissioning - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 50  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Well Decommissioning - Standard 66  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Well Decommissioning - Statement of Work 31  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Well Water Testing - Standard 53  03/18/2005 03/18/2005
Wetland Creation - Standard 76  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Creation - Statement of Work 39  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Wetland Enhancement - Construction Specification/Job Sheet 62  02/14/2007 02/14/2007
Wetland Enhancement - Standard 159  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Enhancement - Statement of Work 38  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Wetland Restoration (657) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 13  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Restoration (657A) Construction Specification/Job Sheet 64  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Restoration - Standard 105  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Restoration - Statement of Work 39  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management - Construction Specification 98  12/03/2007 12/03/2007
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management - Job Sheet 306  12/11/2007 12/11/2007
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management - Standard 75  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management - Statement of Work 37  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Est. - Specification Worksheet 83  08/28/2003 08/28/2003
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment - Standard 88  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment - Statement of Work 39  09/29/2004 09/29/2004
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Renovation - Standard 64  06/06/2003 06/06/2003
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Revovation - Statement of Work 38  09/29/2004 09/29/2004