United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Survey Program in Washington

The National Cooperative Soil Survey Program (NCSS) is a partnership led by NRCS of federal land management agencies, state agricultural experiment stations and state and local units of government that provide soil survey information necessary for understanding, managing, conserving and sustaining the nation's limited soil resources.

Soil surveys provide an orderly, on-the-ground, scientific inventory of soil resources that includes maps showing the locations and extent of soils, data about the physical and chemical properties of those soils, and information derived from that data about potentialities and problems of use on each kind of soil in sufficient detail to meet all reasonable needs for farmers, agricultural technicians, community planners, engineers, and scientists in planning and transferring the findings of research and experience to specific land areas. Soil surveys provide the basic information needed to manage soil sustainably. They also provide information needed to protect water quality, wetlands, and wildlife habitat. Soil surveys are the basis for predicting the behavior of a soil under alternative uses, its potential erosion hazard, potential for ground water contamination, suitability and productivity for cultivated crops, trees, and grasses. Soil surveys are important to planners, engineers, zoning commissions, tax commissioners, homeowners, developers, as well as agricultural producers. Soil surveys also provide a basis to help predict the effect of global climate change on worldwide agricultural production and other land-dependent processes. The NRCS Soil Survey Division through its World Soil Resources Staff helps gather and interpret soil information for global use.

NRCS provides the soil surveys for the privately owned lands of the nation and, through its National Soil Survey Center, provides scientific expertise to enable the NCSS to develop and maintain a uniform system for mapping and assessing soil resources so that soil information from different locations can be shared, regardless of which agency collects it. NRCS provides most of the training in soil survey to Federal agencies and assists other Federal agencies with their soil inventories on a reimbursable basis. NRCS is also responsible for developing the standards and mechanisms for providing digital soil information for the national spatial data infrastructure required by Executive Order 12906.

General Soils Map of Washington
Map of Washington's Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) and Offices

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Soil Survey Status Map   (182 KB)  
Washington State Status of Soil Survey Digitizing  (SSURGO)   (182 KB) 
    and Soils Survey Project Offices (438 KB)
 Washington State Soil

Estimating Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance
Calculo de la Humedad del Suelo por Tacto y Apariencia

Soils Offices in Washington State

    MLRA Offices
   Soil Survey Project Offices

Other Soils Links

   National Soil Survey Center
   Official Soil Series Descriptions
   Soil Taxonomy
   Washington Society of Professional Soil Scientists  

Technical Soil Service Assistance

Other links of interest:

National Resources Inventory (NRI)
    Washington State

National NRCS Soil Survey Homepage


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