Biker Y: Big Brother is Tracking You

Reader Biker Y Writes: "Don't use GPS. Turn your phone off when you do not need or want it. You do not have to be 'connected' all the time."

Gregg Smith: Diversify Ad Industry, From the Top

Reader Gregg Smith Writes: "I can't imagine as members of a just society that we should be happy with the paucity of senior-level jobs held by African Americans in advertising."

Holly Garfield: Citi's Sin? No Due Diligence

Reader Holly Garfield Writes: "As far as Citi getting out of hand, that was bound to happen. They were guilty of a failure of due diligence in buying toxic assets, like everyone else trying to make too much money."

Bob: Targeted Ads Reduce Mobile Noise

Reader Bob Writes: "Given that, over the last few decades, we've been inundated with thousands of daily advertising impressions, this kind of stuff could make our lives quieter."

Samuel D. Bornstein: The Real Toxic Mortgages

Reader Samuel D. Bornstein Writes: "The simple fact is that the underlying assets of the mortgage-backed securities and other related investments are the 'toxic' mortgages."

Stephanie Dube: MyTake on Online Scam Artists

Reader Stephanie Dube writes in a MyTake Column for "Identifying scammers is like calling a bluff in poker. Technical observation isn't enough. Look for subtle behavior changes that give away a person's real intentions."

All Together: Obesity Tax in NY? Fuhgeddaboudit!

Reader All Together Writes: "Come on New York, come up with a better solution to obesity. Give someone an incentive to lose weight, not an unfair tax on everyone."

Steven Andersen: Erosion Threatens Silicon Valley

Reader Steven Andersen Writes: "Silicon Valley companies saw their competitiveness erode by the region's inability to sustain a balanced work force."

Fred Collopy: Innovate Through Comment and Competition

Reader Fred Collopy Writes: "Think of the systems we are about to construct as akin to public spaces and invite comment, competitive innovation and lots of dialogue."

LAO: Economists Blaming Economists

Reader LAO Writes: "If even economists are willing to blame economists, then why not go all the way and blame Milton Friedman for a scheme that is not working?"

David Armano: Cultural Shift Worker

Reader David Armano Writes: "Insights require listening and observing at all phases of an initiative, and really require a cultural shift in order to pull off. The company has to value what you get from it."

Adam: Changing the World, One Leader at a Time

Reader Adam Writes: "The Millennial generation just elected a President. Give us another couple of decades, and we'll change the world."

Denise Trowbridge: Online Brand-Building, or Slavery?

Reader Denise Trowbridge Writes: "Personal brands? Please. That leads to stardom, real work, and jobs for maybe 1 percent of people. It's a shame how people take advantage of others."

Peter Gray: Let's Find Out What We Don't Know

Reader Peter Gray Writes: "We cannot know the results of research in advance. Increasingly, funders are specifying what research is supposed to find, which is nonsense."

Paul A: Tomorrow's Leaders Now Playing Online

Reader Paul A. Writes: "Social networks can be used to locate expertise inside a company, recruit new employees, manage tasks, instant message and research."

Rob B: Obama, Fund Teachers Over PCs

Reader Rob B. Writes: "Computers in school will become necessary to advance a student in a field requiring computers. Until then a good teacher cannot be replaced by a glowing screen and keyboard."

Viking: Playing it Safe Post-Madoff

Reader Viking Writes: "We should assume that it will take a long time to work our way through this, as risk aversion will last for a long time to come."

Erica: Wine Me, Dine Me for Online Me

Reader Erica Writes: "I really enjoy sharing my opinions online and getting paid for my participation with special treats at cool restaurants and bars."

Charlie Gaffney: MyTake on Customer Service

Reader Charlie Gaffney writes in a MyTake Column for "Businesses have a choice other than outsourcing: locally utilizing current technology and keeping workers here."

Laura Smith: Make UAW Play Fair With Detroit

Reader Laura Smith Writes: "There is no 'good faith' bargaining when it comes to the UAW. In a situation this bad everyone has to be willing to make sacrifices to keep the long-term goal of the companies' survival."


In Your Face highlights thoughtful reader comments posted on Think your comment is worthy of being featured? Drop a line to BusinessWeek community editor Shirley Brady.

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