January Newsletter: Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture, Health Care Survey Illustrates Financial Hardships, And More

CFRA NewsletterIf you receive our newsletter, you may have already seen it this last week in your mail or email. If you don't, sign up today.

This month's newsletter includes articles on rural internet, health care, agriculture, community development and more. Read the entire newsletter online here, or some highlights below.

35 Years! New Rural Opportunities with Your Support
In 2008, nearly 1,000 donors from across the nation helped us shatter our goal to raise $35,000 for our 35th birthday. The final tally was $38,641 in modest gifts from individuals just like you. And in the last quarter, more than 1,000 donors gave over $60,000 to support our efforts to prepare for a new Congress, a new presidency, and new opportunities for family farmers, ranchers, rural communities and rural entrepreneurs, including beginning farmers and ranchers. Read the rest.

Dear Secretary of Agriculture

Congratulations on your selection to lead the Department of Agriculture. We offer our support and assistance. The President-elect has already provided a compelling mission to guide your efforts in his platform, “Real Leadership for Rural America.”

“Rural communities in America are at a critical point in history. For the past decade, rural America has not been well served by federal policies, and if Republicans and Democrats in Washington continue those misguided policies, rural families will see their economic fortunes fall further behind those of other Americans. But we have the power to set a different course. Innovative rural Americans have proven they can compete in the 21st century. But local initiative must be matched by federal policies that empower rural Americans and family farmers.” Read the rest.

Post-Election Is Prime Time for Health Care Reform Goals
New members of Congress take their places in Washington, D.C. this month. With the election behind them, legislators face the difficult task of living up to campaign promises. While the economy is a top priority, health care reform is sorely needed and is critical to rebuilding our economy, especially in rural America. Members of Congress are already putting their ideas into legislation as they prepare to debate after President-elect Obama takes office. Read the rest.

Corporate Farming Notes:
Provision Requires USDA Establish Regulations Defining "Unreasonable Preference or Advantage"

There were not a lot of highlights in the 2008 farm bill. But one was a provision that requires USDA to write regulations that define an “unreasonable preference or advantage” under the Packers and Stockyards Act. The Act prohibits the kind of “sweetheart deals” that packers give large, industrial livestock operations. But USDA has never effectively enforced the law. Read the rest .

The whole newsletter is here. To receive your own copy by mail or email each month sign up here, or if you are an RSS kind of person, get an RSS feed of it here. No matter how it's delivered, it's always free.

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