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100 Stories on Iraq
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Pentagon finds Iraq safer but Iran a threat

Iran poses a significant threat to Iraq, but security has greatly improved in the war-ravaged country, according to a Pentagon report.

Iraq suicide bombing kills at least 30

At least 30 people were killed and 110 wounded Friday afternoon in a suicide bombing in Yusifiya, a city about 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) southwest of Baghdad, an official with the Ministry of Interior has CNN.

CNNMoney: Iraq opens oil fields

Iraq on Wednesday opened up some of its most prized oil and gas fields to international firms that have been excluded for decades, part of new deals that could more than double its output within a few years.

British, Australian troops to stay in Iraq until July

Iraq has signed troop withdrawal agreements that will have British and Australian troops out of the country by the end of July, Iraqi Defense Ministry said.

U.S. deaths in Iraq down 66 percent from last year

American military deaths in Iraq have dropped dramatically this year, a trend observers attribute to the lasting effects of the U.S.-led surge offensive, more robust Iraqi security performance and civilians' disgust with warfare.

Iraq allows British, other foreign troops to stay

The Iraqi Presidency Council approved a resolution Sunday that will allow non-U.S. foreign troops to remain in Iraq after a U.N. mandate expires at year's end.

Iraq Christians face 'bleak future'

It's a bittersweet Christmas season for Joseph Kassab, who grew up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime and now lives in Detroit, Michigan. Tempering the season's joy is his concern for fellow Iraqi Christians, who have endured killings, displacement and daily intimidation.

Iraqi soldiers seize apparently stolen relics

Iraqi soldiers have seized 228 apparently stolen antiquities and arrested seven members of a gang suspected of trafficking in such items, a security official in Basra said Tuesday.

Iraq OKs continued presence of foreign troops

Iraq's parliament on Tuesday approved a resolution that will allow non-U.S. foreign troops to remain in Iraq after a U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year.

Iraqi lawmakers reach deal on non-U.S. troops

Iraq's main political parties Sunday reached a deal designed to allow non-U.S. foreign troops to stay in the country past the end of the year, when a United Nations resolution authorizing their presence expires.

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