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(Revised January 01, 2004)



 252.211- Acquisition
 252.211- Availability
 252.211- Availability
 252.211- Item
 252.211- Alternate
 252.211- Substitutions

252.211-7000  Acquisition Streamlining.

As prescribed in 211.002-70, use the following clause:




      (a)  The Government's acquisition streamlining objectives are to—


              (1)  Acquire systems that meet stated performance requirements;


              (2)  Avoid over-specification; and


              (3)  Ensure that cost-effective requirements are included in future acquisitions.


      (b)  The Contractor shall—


              (1)  Prepare and submit acquisition streamlining recommendations in accordance with the statement of work of this contract; and


              (2)  Format and submit the recommendations as prescribed by data requirements on the contract data requirements list of this contract.


      (c)  The Government has the right to accept, modify, or reject the Contractor's recommendations.


      (d)  The Contractor shall insert this clause, including this paragraph (d), in all subcontracts over $1 million, awarded in the performance of this contract.


(End of clause)


252.211-7001  Availability of Specifications and Standards Not Listed in DODISS, Data Item Descriptions Not Listed in DoD 5010.12-L, and Plans, Drawings, and Other Pertinent Documents.

As prescribed in 211.204(c), use the following provision:




Offerors may obtain the specifications, standards, plans, drawings, data item descriptions, and other pertinent documents cited in this solicitation by submitting a request to:




(Complete Address)



Include the number of the solicitation and the title and number of the specification, standard, plan, drawing, or other pertinent document.


(End of provision)


252.211-7002  Availability for Examination of Specifications, Standards, Plans, Drawings, Data Item Descriptions, and Other Pertinent Documents.

As prescribed in 211.204(c), use the following provision:




The specifications, standards, plans, drawings, data item descriptions, and other pertinent documents cited in this solicitation are not available for distribution but may be examined at the following location:



(Insert complete address)


(End of provision)


252.211-7003  Item Identification and Valuation.

As prescribed in 211.274-3, use the following clause:




      (a)  Definitions.  As used in this clause—


              “Automatic identification device” means a device, such as a reader or interrogator, used to retrieve data encoded on machine-readable media.


              “Commonly accepted commercial marks” means any system of marking products for identification that is in use generally throughout commercial industry or within commercial industry sectors.  Some examples of commonly accepted commercial marks are:  EAN.UCC Global Trade Item Number; Automotive Industry Action Group B-4 Parts Identification and Tracking Application Standard, and B-2 Vehicle Identification Number Bar Code Label Standard; American Trucking Association Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards; Electronic Industries Alliance EIA 802 Product Marking Standard; and Telecommunications Manufacturers Common Language Equipment Identification Code.


              “Concatenated unique item identifier” means—


                     (1)  For items that are serialized within the enterprise identifier, the linking together of the unique identifier data elements in order of the issuing agency code, enterprise identifier, and unique serial number within the enterprise identifier; or


                    (2)  For items that are serialized within the original part number, the linking together of the unique identifier data elements in order of the issuing agency code, enterprise identifier, original part number, and serial number within the part number.


              “Data qualifier” means a specified character (or string of characters) that immediately precedes a data field that defines the general category or intended use of the data that follows.


              “DoD recognized unique identification equivalent” means a unique identification method that is in commercial use and has been recognized by DoD.  All DoD recognized unique identification equivalents are listed at


              “DoD unique item identification” means marking an item with a unique item identifier that has machine-readable data elements to distinguish it from all other like and unlike items.  In addition—


                    (1)  For items that are serialized within the enterprise identifier, the unique identifier shall include the data elements of issuing agency code, enterprise identifier, and a unique serial number.


                    (2)  For items that are serialized within the part number within the enterprise identifier, the unique identifier shall include the data elements of issuing agency code, enterprise identifier, the original part number, and the serial number.


              Enterprise” means the entity (i.e., a manufacturer or vendor) responsible for assigning unique item identifiers to items.


              Enterprise identifier” means a code that is uniquely assigned to an enterprise by a registration (or controlling) authority.


              “Government’s unit acquisition cost” means—


                    (1)  For fixed-price type line, subline, or exhibit line items, the unit price identified in the contract at the time of delivery; and


                    (2)  For cost-type line, subline, or exhibit line items, the Contractor’s estimated fully burdened unit cost to the Government for each item at the time of delivery.


              “Issuing agency code” means a code that designates the registration (or controlling) authority.


              “Item” means a single hardware article or unit formed by a grouping of subassemblies, components, or constituent parts required to be delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. 


              “Machine-readable” means an automatic information technology media, such as bar codes, contact memory buttons, radio frequency identification, or optical memory cards.


              “Original part number” means a combination of numbers or letters assigned by the enterprise at asset creation to a class of items with the same form, fit, function, and interface.


              “Registration (or controlling) authority” means an organization responsible for assigning a non-repeatable identifier to an enterprise (i.e., Dun & Bradstreet’s Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number, Uniform Code Council (UCC)/EAN International (EAN) Company Prefix, or Defense Logistics Information System (DLIS) Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code).


              “Serial number within the enterprise identifier” or “unique serial number” means a combination of numbers, letters, or symbols assigned by the enterprise to an item that provides for the differentiation of that item from any other like and unlike item and is never used again within the enterprise.


              “Serial number within the part number” or “serial number” means a combination of numbers or letters assigned by the enterprise to an item that provides for the differentiation of that item from any other like item within a part number assignment.


              “Serialization within the enterprise identifier” means each item produced is assigned a serial number that is unique among all the tangible items produced by the enterprise and is never used again.  The enterprise is responsible for ensuring unique serialization within the enterprise identifier.


              “Serialization within the part number” means each item of a particular part number is assigned a unique serial number within that part number assignment.  The enterprise is responsible for ensuring unique serialization within the part number within the enterprise identifier.


              “Unique item identification” means marking an item with machine-readable data elements to distinguish it from all other like and unlike items.


              “Unique item identifier” means a set of data marked on items that is globally unique, unambiguous, and robust enough to ensure data information quality throughout life and to support multi-faceted business applications and users.


              “Unique item identifier type” means a designator to indicate which method of uniquely identifying a part has been used.  The current list of accepted unique item identifier types is maintained at


      (b)  The Contractor shall deliver all items under a contract line, subline, or exhibit line item.


      (c)  Unique item identification. 


              (1)  The Contractor shall provide DoD unique item identification, or a DoD recognized unique identification equivalent, for—


                    (i)  All items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is $5,000 or more; and


                    (ii)  The following items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000:


Contract Line, Subline, or                                                   

Exhibit Line Item Number                                               Item Description






                    (iii)  Subassemblies, components, and parts embedded within items as specified in Exhibit Number ____ or Contract Data Requirements List Item Number _____.


              (2)  The unique item identifier and the component data elements of the unique item identifier shall not change over the life of the item. 


              (3)  Data syntax and semantics.  The Contractor shall—


                    (i)  Mark the encoded data elements (except issuing agency code) on the item using any of the following three types of data qualifiers, as specified elsewhere in the contract:


                            (A)  Data Identifiers (DIs) (Format 06).


                            (B)  Application Identifiers (AIs) (Format 05), in accordance with ISO/IEC International Standard 15418, Information Technology – EAN/UCC Application Identifiers and ASC MH 10 Data Identifiers and ASC MH 10 Data Identifiers and Maintenance.


                            (C)  Text Element Identifiers (TEIs), in accordance with the DoD collaborative solution “DD” format for use until the final solution is approved by ISO JTC1/SC 31.  The DoD collaborative solution is described in Appendix D of the DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items, available at; and


                    (ii)  Use high capacity automatic identification devices in unique identification that conform to ISO/IEC International Standard 15434, Information Technology – Syntax for High Capacity Automatic Data Capture Media.


              (4)  Marking items. 


                    (i)  Unless otherwise specified in the contract, data elements for unique identification (enterprise identifier, serial number, and, for serialization within the part number only, original part number) shall be placed on items requiring marking by paragraph (c)(1) of this clause in accordance with the version of MIL-STD-130, Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property, cited in the contract Schedule.


                    (ii)  The issuing agency code—


                            (A)  Shall not be placed on the item; and


                            (B)  Shall be derived from the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier.


      (d)  Commonly accepted commercial marks.  The Contractor shall provide commonly accepted commercial marks for items that are not required to have unique identification under paragraph (c) of this clause.


      (e)  Material Inspection and Receiving Report.  The Contractor shall report at the time of delivery, as part of the Material Inspection and Receiving Report specified elsewhere in this contract, the following information:


              (1)  Description.*


              (2)  Unique identifier,** consisting of—


                    (i)  Concatenated DoD unique item identifier; or


                    (ii)  DoD recognized unique identification equivalent.


              (3)  Unique item identifier type.**


              (4)  Issuing agency code (if DoD unique item identifier is used).**


              (5)  Enterprise identifier (if DoD unique item identifier is used).**


              (6)  Original part number.**


              (7)  Serial number.**


              (8)  Quantity shipped.*


              (9)  Unit of measure.*


              (10)  Government’s unit acquisition cost.*


              (11)  Ship-to code.


              (12)  Shipment date.


              (13)  Contractor’s CAGE code or DUNS number.


              (14)  Contract number.


              (15)  Contract line, subline, or exhibit line item number.*


              (16)  Acceptance code.


      *  Once per contract line, subline, or exhibit line item.


      **  Once per item.


      (f)  Material Inspection and Receiving Report for embedded subassemblies, components, and parts requiring unique item identification.  The Contractor shall report at the time of delivery, as part of the Material Inspection and Receiving Report specified elsewhere in this contract, the following information:


              (1)  Unique item identifier of the item delivered under a contract line, subline, or exhibit line item that contains the embedded subassembly, component, or part.


              (2)  Unique item identifier of the embedded subassembly, component, or part, consisting of—


                     (i)  Concatenated DoD unique item identifier; or


                     (ii)  DoD recognized unique identification equivalent.


 (3)  Unique item identifier type.**


 (4)  Issuing agency code (if DoD unique item identifier is      



              (5)  Enterprise identifier (if DoD unique item identifier is



              (6)  Original part number.**


              (7)  Serial number.**


              (8)  Unit of measure.


              (9)  Description.


** Once per item.


      (g)  The Contractor shall submit the information required by paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause in accordance with the procedures at


      (h)  Subcontracts.  If paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this clause applies, the Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph (h), in all subcontracts issued under this contract.


(End of clause)


252.211-7004  Alternate Preservation, Packaging, and Packing.

As prescribed in 211.272, use the following provision:




      (a)  The Offeror may submit two unit prices for each item--one based on use of the military preservation, packaging, or packing requirements of the solicitation; and an alternate based on use of commercial or industrial preservation, packaging, or packing of equal or better protection than the military.


      (b)  If the Offeror submits two unit prices, the following information, as a minimum, shall be submitted with the offer to allow evaluation of the alternate—


              (1)  The per unit/item cost of commercial or industrial preservation, packaging, and packing;


              (2)  The per unit/item cost of military preservation, packaging, and packing;


              (3)  The description of commercial or industrial preservation, packaging, and packing procedures, including material specifications, when applicable, to include—


                    (i)  Method of preservation;


                    (ii)  Quantity per unit package;


                    (iii)  Cleaning/drying treatment;


                    (iv)  Preservation treatment;


                    (v)  Wrapping materials;


                    (vi)  Cushioning/dunnage material;


                    (vii)  Thickness of cushioning;


                    (viii)  Unit container;


                    (ix)  Unit package gross weight and dimensions;


                    (x)  Packing; and


                    (xi)  Packing gross weight and dimensions; and


              (4)  Item characteristics, to include—


                    (i)  Material and finish;


                    (ii)  Net weight;


                    (iii)  Net dimensions; and


                    (iv)  Fragility.


      (c)  If the Contracting Officer does not evaluate or accept the Offeror's proposed alternate commercial or industrial preservation, packaging, or packing, the Offeror agrees to preserve, package, or pack in accordance with the specified military requirements.


(End of provision)


252.211-7005  Substitutions for Military or Federal Specifications and Standards.

As prescribed in 211.273-4, use the following clause:




      (a)  Definition.  SPI process,” as used in this clause, means a management or manufacturing process that has been accepted previously by the Department of Defense under the Single Process Initiative (SPI) for use in lieu of a specific military or Federal specification or standard at specific facilities.  Under SPI, these processes are reviewed and accepted by a Management Council, which includes representatives of the Contractor, the Defense Contract Management Agency, the Defense Contract Audit Agency, and the military departments.


      (b)  Offerors are encouraged to propose SPI processes in lieu of military or Federal specifications and standards cited in the solicitation.  A listing of SPI processes accepted at specific facilities is available via the Internet in Excel format at


      (c)  An offeror proposing to use an SPI process in lieu of military or Federal specifications or standards cited in the solicitation shall¾


              (1)  Identify the specific military or Federal specification or standard for which the SPI process has been accepted;


              (2)  Identify each facility at which the offeror proposes to use the specific SPI process in lieu of military or Federal specifications or standards cited in the solicitation;


              (3)  Identify the contract line items, subline items, components, or elements affected by the SPI process; and


              (4)  If the proposed SPI process has been accepted at the facility at which it is proposed for use, but is not yet listed at the Internet site specified in paragraph (b) of this clause, submit documentation of Department of Defense acceptance of the SPI process.


      (d)  Absent a determination that an SPI process is not acceptable for this procurement, the Contractor shall use the following SPI processes in lieu of military or Federal specifications or standards:


(Offeror insert information for each SPI process)


SPI Process:






Military or Federal Specification or Standard:



Affected Contract Line Item Number, Subline Item Number, Component, or Element:




      (e)  If a prospective offeror wishes to obtain, prior to the time specified for receipt of offers, verification that an SPI process is an acceptable replacement for military or Federal specifications or standards required by the solicitation, the prospective offeror¾


              (1)  May submit the information required by paragraph (d) of this clause to the Contracting Officer prior to submission of an offer; but


              (2)  Must submit the information to the Contracting Officer at least 10 working days prior to the date specified for receipt of offers.


(End of clause)




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