Dakota Rural Action

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Organizing For The Future

Dakota Rural Action is a grassroots family agriculture and conservation group that organizes South Dakotans to protect our family farmers and ranchers, natural resources, and unique way of life.

Dakota Rural Action is a ...


  • Dakota Rural Action members come from all walks of life, and serve as spokespeople who guide the decisions of the organization.
  • They participate in the organization through local chapters and statewide committees.
  • Dakota Rural Action members work directly with local, state and federal decision makers about the issues that affect their communities.
family agriculture,
  • Dakota Rural Action believes in family agriculture.
  • Family agriculture, if protected and given the opportunity, has the flexibility to take South Dakota's economy into the new century and define our state as something special.
  • Dakota Rural Action members work for open and fair markets and strongly support mandatory Country-of-Origin-Labeling.
  • Dakota Rural Action supports fair trade agreements that build family agriculture, workers' rights and protect the environment.

and conservation group.

  • Dakota Rural Action members work to conserve and protect both South Dakota's environment and our unique way of life.
  • Dakota Rural Action works to protect ground water and air quality from pollution.
  • Dakota Rural Action members support stronger protections from factory style animal agriculture facilities which have destroyed local environments and communities.
  • Dakota Rural Action works to remove the barriers and promote the development of clean renewable energy sources like wind power, and biofuels.
South Dakota Legislature 2008
Check out DRA's Action Alerts and legislative information, find your local legislators, and learn what you can do to help protect our rural quality of life in South Dakota.

Local Foods Directory
Fresh from the farm, directly to you from the family farmers and ranchers of South Dakota. A listing of over sixty farms, ranches, projects, and businesses who are producing and selling fresh, wholesome foods across the state of South Dakota.

Get the Facts
Learn more about our issues. Get the facts about BioFuels, Captive Supplies, Cafo Development, Livestock Issues, and "Free" Trade.

Contacting Elected Officials
Get in touch with all of the people who are making decisions for our state, and let them know what you think about the issues.

Researching the Rules 
Access South Dakota County Zoning, and State Laws, as well as Federal Laws. Research bills and track changes to state and federal laws.
Featured Items

Food Producers Wanted!

After the success of the '07 Directory we are issuing a new edition to be released in spring 2009. Over 7,500 copies were distributed across the state in 2007 and 2008. All you have to do to be a part of the updated Directory is to fill out a form.

Click here for more information

South Dakota Local Foods Directory
A consumers guide to eating locally

Support farmers and buy local, wholesome foods from your own community.
Click here to view the directory online

DRA's Zoning Tool Kit
A citizen's guide to local control

This practical guide provides information about how county boards and commissions work, how public meetings are run, information about carrying petitions and details about getting involved in local government.

Click here to view the Booklet online

News/Take Action

Deceptive Letter Sent to Livestock Producers
This past week most South Dakota livestock producers received an application for premise registration in the mail. The letter used...

Producers Sought for South Dakota Local Foods Directory
Dakota Rural Action (DRA) is seeking local food producers from around the state to be listed in the newest edition of the South Dakota Local Foods Directory.

State and County Candidate Forum to be Held
The public is invited to attend a State and County Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 23 at Lisa’s Bar and Grill in Meadow. The forum will begin at 7pm with coffee and refreshments...

Ag Producers Reject Proposal to Relocate Contagious Disease Research to Mainland
Dakota Rural Action submitted comments this week, urging the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to reject a proposal that would move contagious...


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