Climate Monitoring / August / Global Hazards / Selected Extremes / Help

Selected U.S. City
and State Extremes

August 2006

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC.
August Station or State Monthly Records
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  • Rainfall / Thunderstorms
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    This is the Top of the Page Icon Temperature / Dewpoint

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Bradley Int'l Airport, MA Warmest daily min temp for the month August 3, 2006 78°F 77°F August 14, 1988
    Buffalo, NY All-Time warmest min temp on record August 1, 2006 79°F 78°F July 4, 1897
    Avoca, NY Tied second warmest min temp on record August 2, 2006 76°F 76°F N/A; Warmest min temp occured on July 15, 1995 with 79°F
    Syracuse, NY Tied all-time third warmest min temp on record August 1, 2006 77°F 77°F N/A; Warmest min temp occured on July 5, 1999 with 80°F
    Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, TX Warmest daily min temp for the month; Tied all-time daily min temp on record August 11, 2006 85°F 84°F;
    August, 1994; July 2, 1980
    San Antonio, TX All-time warmest month on record and warmest August on record August 2006 avg temp of 88.3°F avg temp of 88.1°F; avg temp of 87.5°F July 1998;
    August 1962
    Austin-Mabry, TX Warmest August on record August 2006 avg temp of 88.5°F avg temp of 88.3°F August, 1999
    Duluth, MN Warmest summer(June-August)
    on record
    2006 avg temp of
    avg temp of
    Summer, 1930

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Rainfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    El Paso, TX Third All-Time 24-hour rainfall record August 1, 2006 2.84 inches 2.75 inches June 30-July 1, 1897
    El Paso, TX Wettest August on record August, 2006 6.76 inches 5.57 inches August, 1984
    Midland Int'l Airport, TX Wettest August on record August, 2006 5.92 inches 5.34 inches August, 1934
    Wilmington, NC Wettest August on record August, 2006 18.83 inches 14.14 inches August, 1940

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Snowfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Wind

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Pressure

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Miscellaneous

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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    Climate Monitoring / August / Global Hazards / Selected Extremes / Help