Climate Monitoring / October / Global Hazards / Selected Extremes / Help

Selected U.S. City
and State Extremes

October 2005

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC.
October Station or State Monthly Records
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  • Temperature / Dewpoint
  • Rainfall / Thunderstorms
  • Snowfall
  • Wind
  • Pressure
  • Miscellaneous
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    This is the Top of the Page Icon Temperature / Dewpoint

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Lincoln, NE Warmest minimum daily temperature for the month October 5, 2005 74°F 71°F October 4, 1938
    Omaha-Eppley, NE Tied warmest minimum daily temperature for the month October 5, 2005 73°F 73°F October 1, 1971
    Mount Washington, NH Daily maximum temperature for the month October 5, 2005 62°F 59°F October 12 and 13, 1938
    Muskegon, MI Daily warmest minimum temperature for the month October 5, 2005 70°F 69°F October 3, 2005
    Jackson, KY Daily warmest maximum temperature for the month October 5, 2005 87°F 86°F October 26, 1991
    Columbia, SC Tied daily warmest minimum temperature for the month October 7, 2005 74°F 74°F October 8, 1941 and October 5, 1898

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Rainfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Twin Cities International Airport, MN
    Maximum daily rainfall for the month October 4, 2005 4.61 inches 2.75 inches October unavailable, 1934
    St. Cloud, MN
    Maximum daily rainfall for the month October 4, 2005 3.42 inches 3.21 inches October unavailable, 1950
    Wilmington, NC
  • Maximum daily rainfall for the month

  • Wettest October on record
  • October 8, 2005

  • October, 2005
  • 6.34 inches

  • 15.07 inches
  • 5.50 inches

  • 9.81 inches
  • October 13, 1994

  • October, 1964
  • Del Rio International Airport, TX Third Wettest October on record October, 2005 8.72 inches Unavailable 2nd - 11.33 inches, October, 1969; 1st - 11.69 inches, October, 1930
    Washington-Dulles Airport, DC Wettest October on record October, 2005 9.22 inches 9.19 inches October, 1971
    North Little Rock Airport, AR Number of days with no measurable rainfall September 28 - October 30, 2005 32 days 31 days August 12 - September 11, 1998
    Lehigh Valley International Airport, Allentown, PA
  • All-time wettest month on record

  • Wettest October on record
  • October, 2005 13.16 inches
  • 12.10 inches

  • 7.64 inches
  • August, 1955

  • October, 1943
  • Jackson International Airport, MI
    Tied driest October on record October, 2005 0.00 inches 0.00 inches October, 1952, 1924, 1904
    Mount Washington, NH
  • All-time wettest month on record
  • Wettest October on record
  • October, 2005 28.70 inches
  • 25.56 inches
  • 21.25 inches
  • February, 1969

  • October, 1995
  • Jonesboro, AR
    Driest October on record October, 2005 0.00 inches 0.03 inches October, 1963
    Detroit, MI
    Driest October on record October, 2005 0.13 inches 0.30 inches October, 1892
    Flint, MI
    Tied driest October on record October, 2005 0.33 inches 0.33 inches October, 1944
    Providence, RI
  • All-time wettest month on record

  • Wettest October on record
  • October, 2005 15.38 inches
  • 12.74 inches

  • 11.98 inches
  • April, 1983

  • October, 1962
  • Concord, NH
    All-time wettest month on record October, 2005 14.57 inches 10.97 inches September, 1888
    Bangor, ME
  • All-time wettest month on record

  • Wettest October on record
  • October, 2005 13.32 inches
  • 11.61 inches

  • 8.96 inches
  • November, 2003

  • October, 2003
  • Brunswick, GA Wettest October on record October, 2005 17.6inches 13.7 inches October, 1996
    Central Park, NY Wettest October on record October, 2005 16.73 inches 13.31 inches October, 1903
    Hartford, CT Wettest October on record October, 2005 16.32 inches 11.61 inches October, 1955
    Worcester, MA Wettest October on record October, 2005 15.56 inches 10.98 inches October, 1955
    Newark, NJ Wettest October on record October, 2005 13.22 inches 8.20 inches October, 1943

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Snowfall

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    Billings, MT
    Maximum daily snowfall for the month October 5, 2005 9.9 inches 9.5 inches October 15, 1980
    Logan Airport, Boston, MA
  • Maximum daily snowfall for the month

  • Snowiest October on record
  • October 5, 2005

  • October, 2005
  • 1.1 inches 0.4 inches
  • October 14, 1913

  • October, 1913
  • Mount Washington, NH
    Snowiest October on record October, 2005 78.9 inches 39.8 inches October, 2000
    Clarksburg, WV
    Snowiest October on record October, 2005 3.0 inches 2.5 inches October, 1925

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Wind

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Pressure

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

    This is the Top of the Page Icon Miscellaneous

    Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
    None Reported.

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