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September 2003

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC.

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September Station or State Monthly Records
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Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
Meacham, OR Tied daily maximum for the Month September 3, 2003 97°F 97°F September 2, 1950
Seattle-Tacoma Airport, WA Number of consecutive days with 70°F or greater September 7, 2003 61 days of 70°F or greater; August 8 - September 7 49 days of 70°F or greater July 9 - August 26, 1958
Denver International Airport, CO Earliest 30°F (or below) day in the season September 14, 2003 29°F 23°F September 18, 1971
Portland, OR Latest 90°F (or greater) day in the season September 27, 2003 95°F 90°F October 5, 1980
Eugene, OR Latest 90°F (or greater) day in the season September 27, 2003 97°F 91°F October 10, 1934
Salem, OR Latest 90°F (or greater) day in the season September 27, 2003 98°F 90°F October 10, 1934

This is the Top of the Page Icon Rainfall

Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
Indianapolis, IN Wettest Calendar day on record September 1, 2003 7.20 inches 6.80 inches September 4, 1895
Durango, CO Wettest Calendar day on record September 9, 2003 3.68 inches 3.65 inches October 19, 1972
Cortez, CO Wettest Calendar day on record September 9, 2003 2.63 inches 1.95 inches September 22, 1941
Hovenweep National Monument, UT Wettest Calendar day on record September 9, 2003 2.76 inches 2.19 inches October 3, 1996
Natural Bridges National Monument, UT Wettest Calendar day on record September 9, 2003 3.10 inches 1.52 inches October 19, 1972
NOAA Sandpoint, WA Wettest September day on record September 16, 2003 1.11 inches 0.70 inches September 24, 1988
Marquette, MI Driest Meteorological Summer on record June 1 - August 31, 2003 5.84 inches 6.27 inches June 1 - August 31 ,1969
Allentown, NJ Second wettest September September, 2003 11.08 inches 11.57 inches Wettest September was in 1999

This is the Top of the Page Icon Snowfall

Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
Grand Rapids, MI Earliest measurable snowfall September 30, 2003 A trace 0.01 inches October 7, 2000

This is the Top of the Page Icon Wind

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None Reported.

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None Reported.

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Location Record Type New Record Date New Record Old Record Old Record Date
None Reported.

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