NOAA bullet NCDC / Climate-2000 / June / Climate-Watch / Selected Extremes / Search / Help
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June 2000

Source NOAA/NWS Forecast Offices and compiled by NCDC. Last Updated 07/05/00

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June Station or State Monthly Records
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to top of page Temperature / Dewpoint

1. The downtown San Francisco station (Duboce Park) tied it�s all-time record high temperature with a reading of 103 degrees F on June 14th. The same temperature was recorded on July 3rd, 1988. Records downtown began in 1871.

2. Record heat over portions of northern, central and southern California. A upper level high pressure system centered off the northern California coast brought hot temperatures to the region on the 14th of June.


Santa Rosa               108                  103 in 1966
San Jose                 109*                 107 in 1961
Moffett NAS              106*                 102 in 1961
Oakland                  106                   95 in 1976
San Francisco (downtown) 103**                101 in 1961
Paso Robles              115 (Tied All-Time)  112 in 1961
San Luis Obispo/Cal Poly  91 (Tied)            91 in 1983
Cuyama                   106 (June Record)     98 in 1979
Lompoc                    88                   85 in 1981
Mt. Wilson                95                   92 in 1961
* New all-time high temperatures. ( San Jose-old record was 108 on 7/14/1972 and Moffett NAS -old records was 105 on 7/17/1988)

** The same temperature was recorded on July 3rd, 1988. Records downtown began in 1871.

3. The low temperature at Fayetteville, AR dropped to 45 degrees F on June 8th, 2000. The broke the previous record of 46 degrees set back in 1977. This was also the third day in a row which a new record low was established at Fayetteville.

4. The low temperature at Jackson, TN dropped to 50 degrees F on June 8th, 2000, This tied the old record for the date set back in 1983 and 1977. This was also the third day in a row which a new record low was tied of broken at Jackson.

5.Highest Temperature in Bethel AK in nearly 3 years. At 6:36 ADT on June 24th the temperature climbed to 80 degrees, breaking the old record of 77 set back in 1977. This is also the warmest temperature in Bethel in nearly 3 years. The last time the temperature climbed to 80 degrees was July 5th, 1997.

6. St. Paul Island, AK hit 62 degrees on June 25th. This broke the monthly daily high temperature record for the station of 61 degrees set in 1984.

to top of page Rainfall

1.This was the wettest month in Rochester, MN. The monthly total rainfall was 12.52 inches, breaking the previous June record of 11.95 inches in 1914. This also broke the previous wettest month on record of July 1978 which had 12.33 inches of precipitation. Rainfall records date back to 1909.On June 1st, 4.81 inches of rain fell at Rochester, MN. This total smashed the old daily record for the date of 1.95 inches which was set in 1938. This also broke the highest one day precipitation record for any day in June. The old June record was 4.18 inches set on June 25,1913. The all time one day precipitation record is 7.47 inches set on July 11th,1981

2. On June 13th, 3.84 inches of rain fell at Dubuque, IA. This broke the old daily record of 1.94 inches which fell in 1950. This also broke the highest one day precipitation record for any day in June. The old June record was 3.66 inches set on June 14th, 1938

3. January through June 20th wettest first 6 months on record at Binghamton, NY airport.

The rainfall total since January 1st through June 20 th at Binghamton, NY is 26.84 inches. This is the wettest first 6 months of any year since records began at the airport back in 1951. Records from downtown from 1926-1968 also do not reveal a wetter first 6 months.


26.63 inches in 1998
26.00 inches in 1972 (INCLUDES RAINFALL FROM AGNES)
Average rainfall for January 1 st through June 30 th is 18.06 inches. An interesting note is the record driest last 6 months (July- December) was a year ago in 1998 with 12.62 inches

4. Total monthly precipitation at Cold Bay, AK reached 8.35 inches. This eclipsed the previous June record of 6.98 inches set in 1952.

5. Thundershowers moved through Barrow, AK on the Arctic coast on the 20th. A rare event - a thunderstorm moved through the Barrow area on the 20th and dropped 0.16 inches of rain in just a couple minutes. Many calls were received at the weather office from people who have just witnessed their first thunderstorm and lightning display ..and what a display it was. According to calls received, Barrow had one of the most exciting events they had ever seen since it was the first for most residents. Thunderstorms and lightning are extremely rare on the north coast of Alaska. This is only the third time a thunderstorm has occurred in Barrow since 1978. The other two events were on July 18, 1995 and July 22, 1989. (corrected statement)

6. Fort Wayne, IN ended June as the wettest on record. The monthly total for June 2000 was 8.55 inches. This is the most rainfall ever recorded in the month of June at the airport. The previous record was 8.29 inches in June, normal June rainfall is 3.59 inches. The year through June is 20.10 inches, this is 3.01 inches above normal. The normal through June is 17.09 inches.

7. Total rainfall for June 2000 at Fayelleville, AR (Drake Field) was 14.39 inches. This broke the previous June rainfall record of 13.63 inches which was set back in June of 1982.

to top of page Snowfall

1. None reported.

to top of page Wind

1. None reported yet.

to top of page Pressure

1. None reported yet.

to top of page Miscellaneous

1. June 17th was the second earliest start of the monsoon season in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The official start of the monsoon in the Phoenix area is defined as the third consecutive day with dew point averaging 55 degrees or higher. The earliest start of the monsoon season was June 16 th, 1925. The average start date is July 7 th and average ending date is September 13th. In Phoenix, normal July to September rainfall is 2.65 inches, the wettest monsoon occurred in 1984 when 9.38 inches of rain fell. The driest was in 1924 when only .35 fell.

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NOAA bullet NCDC / Climate of 2000 / June / Climate-Watch / Selected Extremes / Search / Help
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Last Updated Friday, 24-Jun-2005 08:39:46 EDT
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