
TIRC Homepage
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TIRC Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

This website is an information resource at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Please read ORNL's disclaimer.

The Toxicology Information Response Center is not responsible for text, graphics, or other materials located on web sites other than our own, even if a link to that site is included on an TIRC-produced site.

Privacy Policy: We do not routinely provide your contact information to outside parties.

This website is prepared by the Toxicology and Risk Analysis Section of the Life Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy.

For additional information contact the TIRC administrator:

Kim Slusher
1060 Commerce Park MS 6480
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Phone: 865/576-1746
Fax: 865/574-9888
E-mail: slusherkg@ornl
