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New Hires to Los Alamos National Laboratory


Review LANL Basics

Frequently Asked Questions

What's a Z#?

Z#LANL does not use Social Security Numbers for most identification purposes. You will be assigned your own Z number, which will be used for LANL purposes. You normally receive your Z number on your first day when you receive your badge.

What's a Cryptocard?

Cryptocards, also called smart cards or token cards, can be very helpful for routine tasks around LANL. They are necessary to access LANL network when away from LANL in the USA. Cryptocards are also necessary to access many of the computer services such as Just-In-Time (JIT) purchasing,the Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) web pages, and the Enterprise Information Applications (EIA). The EIA page is routinely used to update your Employee Information System (EIS) data (such as office location and phone number, e-mail address, pager number, etc. EIA is also used to enter changes to personnel databases (addresses), track purchases, enter your weekly Time and Effort (T&E) and other tasks.

There are two Cryptocard classifications, one for Unclassified computing, and one for Classified computing. To utilize most of the above functions, an Unclassified card with Administrative Access is required. Your cryptocard cannot be activated until your background check has been completed. The background check must have been completed prior to your arrival. There is an online training and test you will need to take in order to have the Cryptocard assigned to you. Ask your group admin to help set up a computer where you can take the test. This should be done the first day. It takes 24 - 48 hours after the test to receive your new Cryptocard.

What about Security Clearances?

Ask your hiring manager if you need a clearance (many positions require a Q clearance before you can actually do work) and if you can start the process early. Your clearance background check does not officially begin until 1) your paperwork is submitted to the Clearance Processing Office (CPO) and 2) you have a face-to-face meeting with the CPO to review the forms and take fingerprints. Ask your hiring manager to arrange for an initial Q clearance review during your house hunting trip. This is highly recommended, otherwise paperwork won't be processed until after you start.

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