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Online Membership Form

Dear Southern Heirloom Plant Enthusiast,

We want to extend an invitation to you to join the Southern Seed Legacy. To keep our program vibrant and growing, we need new members and old ones to renew their annual membership. We encourage all members, regardless of level, to contribute seeds or family seed stories to our collection and memory bank. Please look over membership categories and to pay for your membership fee, choose between two options: (1) online credit card payment or (2) print out the membership form provided below and send it to us with your payment.


  • Black-Eyed Pea $15.00: For a basic fee of only $15, members are eligible to participate in the Pass Along Southern Seeds (PASS) program.
  • Sweet Tater $25.00: This level includes participation in PASS, the SSL Resource Directory (2003), occasional publications (including our newsletter SEEDLINK), and invitations to all SSL events such as the annual spring Old Timey Seed Swap at Agrarian Connections farm.
  • Goober Pea $50.00: Includes all benefits of Sweet Tater membership along with a signed copy of Virginia Nazarea's popular book “Cultural Memory and Biodiversity.”
  • Moon and Stars $100.00: All the benefits of Sweet Tater Membership plus a signed copy of Virginia Nazarea's 2005 book “Heirloom Seeds and Their Keepers”. Your generous contribution will help the SSL to expand exciting new projects such as the Southern Heritage Orchard at Agrarian Connections Farm. 
  • “Keeper of the Seeds” Lifetime Member $250.00 or more: This special membership has all benefits of membership plus signed copies of Dr. Nazarea's two ground breaking books on preserving heirlooms seeds. Lifetime members will be specially recognized on a founders plaque at the SSL garden.

1. Online Credit Card Payment

Online credit card payment involves two important steps:

A. Payment for your membership fee can be made online via credit card. If you choose this option, please click here. Please select the "other" category to choose the appropriate amount matching the membership fee.

B. In order to expedite the membership registration process, please completely fill out the form below. Alternatively, you can send an email to ebl@uga.edu with your complete name, contact address, the membership level you have chosen and the amount you paid.

Member Information

Note: fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Your Name* Organization/Farm*

Address* City*

State* Zip*

Phone (123-456-7890)*


Membership Level*

How did you hear about us? (40 max.)



2. Print Version

If you do not wish to process your membership online, we will be happy to accept regular "membership form" through regular mail. check made payable to The Arch Foundation and sent directly to:

Southern Seed Legacy (SSL)
Department of Anthropology, 250A Baldwin Hall,
Jackson St., University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-1619

Please designate your gift to this fund by writing "Southern Seed Legacy " on your check .

Download the membership form
, fill it out, and send it to us. 


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