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College/AAES Research, Teaching Awards Presented

Several College of Agriculture faculty members recently won awards for their academic and scientific contributions and accomplishments. The awards, which include cash prizes, are given annually by the College of Ag dean and AAES director.

David Weaver, professor of agronomy and soils, was given the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence while Bill Hardy, professor of ag economics and rural sociology and former associate dean for the College, won the Dean’s Award for Advising.

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Director’s Research Awards were given to Jacek Wower, professor of animal sciences, who won the senior researcher award and Puneet Srivastava, assistant professor of biosystems engineering, who won the junior researcher award.

Four other faculty members won first-ever Grantsmanship Awards. These include Bill Daniels and Allen Davis from fisheries and allied aquacultures, Bill Moar from entomology and plant pathology and David Bransby from agronomy and soils.

College/AAES Staff Awards Presented

Several members of the College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station staff were recognized recently as Employees of the Year for the College of Ag and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. They include John Olive from the AAES Ornamental Horticulture Research Center in Mobile, Mary Hahn from entomology and plant pathology, Karl Hayden from fisheries and allied aquacultures, Bobby Epling from biosystems engineering and Glen Davis from the Agricultural Land and Resource Management office.



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