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Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program

In 1999 the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), with funding from the USDA Economic Research Service, contracted with the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine (IOM), to evaluate the use of various dietary assessment tools and to make recommendations for the assessment of inadequate or inappropriate dietary patterns. The interim report “Framework for Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program,” published by the IOM in October 2000. Enclosed is a copy of the final report from this project, entitled ”Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program.” These reports were an extension of the original FNS-sponsored IOM review “WIC Nutrition Risk Criteria: A Scientific Assessment,” published in 1996, which served as the basis for updating nutrition risk policies in the WIC Program.

FNS is carefully reviewing the report for implications relative to current program requirements. State WIC Agencies will continue with their current dietary risk assessment procedures until FNS provides further guidance.

Last modified: 12/04/2008