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Updated 16 September 2005

Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning
Published August 2005




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Technology Options For the Near and Long Term, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program , DOE/PI-0002

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Core Approaches

The CCTP will employ seven core approaches to stimulate participation by others and ensure progress toward attainment of CCTP strategic goals, as discussed below:  

  • Approach 1. Strengthen climate change technology R&D
  • Approach 2. Strengthen basic research at universities and Federal research facilities
  • Approach 3. Enhance opportunities for partnerships
  • Approach 4. Increase international cooperation;
  • Approach 5. Support cutting-edge technology demonstrations;
  • Approach 6. Ensure a viable technology workforce of the future through education and training; and
  • Approach 7. Explore and provide, as appropriate, supporting technology policy.


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U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585. Tel: +1 202 586 0070. Fax: +1 202 586 0092. Email: Web: Webmaster:
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