US Climate Change Science Program
Updated 11 October, 2003

Earth Observation Summit
31 July 2003



Additional information is available from the Earth Observation Summit web site.


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Secretary of Commerce Evans (Right) Joins Energy Secretary Abraham (Center) and Secretary of State Colin Powell before the Earth Observation Summit.  Source: Department of Commerce

Secretary of Commerce Donald L. Evans (Right) Joins Energy Secretary Abraham (Center) and Secretary of State Colin Powell before the Earth Observation Summit.  Source: Department of Commerce

The Earth Observation Summit, hosted by the United States and held in Washington, DC, on 31 July 2003, sought to:

  • Promote the development of a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained Earth observation system or systems among governments and the international community to understand and address global environmental and economic challenges.
  • Begin a process to develop a conceptual framework and implementation plan for building this integrated Earth observation system

From Christian Science Monitor (31 July 2003):   (link posted 7 Aug 2003)

U.S.-Hosted Summit Brings Nations Together to Take the Pulse of Planet Earth.  Press release (31 July 2003) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Press releases from other countries:

Draft Terms of Reference for the ad hoc intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO).  (dtd 1 August 2003)

Declaration of the Earth Observation Summit (dtd 1 August 2003 )

President's Statement on Earth Observation Summit.  Issued 31 July 2003.


Ask the White House.  Transcript of online interactive forum featuring NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher, 30 July 2003.

Earth Observation Summit Discusses Ways to Link Sensors Gathering Data on Earth's Condition.  Transcript and audio report (dtd 30 July 2003) from Voice of America

Additional information is available from the Earth Observation Summit web site.



Washington, DC: Representatives Attending Earth Observation Summit. NASA Photo/Bill Ingalls

July 31, 2003, State Department, Washington, DC:  Representatives of the more than 30 nations that attended the Earth Observation Summit, along with Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and NOAA Administrator Conrad C. Lautenbacher.  Source:  NASA Photo/Bill Ingalls.



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