Purdue University
Entomology Department
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Crops and Livestock Pest Management

Our pest management strategies are designed to aid Indiana agricultural producers to manage pests of crops and livestock while protecting non-target species and the environment. Current programs emphasize pest management strategies integrated in crop and animal production systems and include:

  • Economic thresholds/injury levels for pests
  • Pest population dynamics and regulation
  • Chemical, semi-chemical, biological and novel control strategies
  • Pests in organic agriculture
  • Area-wide pest management

Research on the impact of crop production practices on pest dynamics and management, reducing chemical inputs and applications, improving application timing, control decision-making, host response to pest attack, pesticide efficacy, and alternative management strategies. Non-traditional chemical control tactics, host-plant resistance, and biological control also receive significant attention.

Field Crops Entomology
Field Crops Nematology
Fruit and Vegetable Crop
Biological Control Laboratory
Post Harvest Pest Management
Livestock & Poultry
Faculty & Staff
Larry Bledsoe
Research Specialist, Field Crops Insect Pest Management
Rick Foster
Professor, Vegetable and Fruit Crops Insect Pest Management
C. Richard Edwards
Professor Emeritus, Field Crops Insect Pest Management
Linda Mason
Associate Professor, Ecology, Insect Behavior, Food Industry Pest Management
Virginia Ferris
Professor, Nematology
Ralph Williams
Professor, Livestock and Poultry Pest Management


Title Description Contact
Host-Plant Resistance
The Host-Plant Resistance program utilizes molecular genetics, genomics and proteomics approaches to investigate interactions between wheat and its main insect pest, the Hessian fly. We have identified molecular markers for new wheat resistance genes that are useful in plant breeding. We are also identifying novel wheat genes and proteins that respond to larval feeding and play a role in induced resistance.
Christie Williams
Honey Bee Behavioral Genetics and Genomics
The Honey Bee Behavioral Genetics and Genomics program is interested in genetic influences on honey bee behavior, and the resistance of bees to parasitic mites. Our lab made detailed maps of the honey bee chromosomes to identify genes that influence honey bee defensive behavior, and other traits. We study the interactions between genes, environment and individuals in a social insect. We also have a breeding program to increase the resistance of bees to Varroa mites.
Greg Hunt

Fruit IPM
Vegetable IPM
The Fruit and Vegetable IPM program is to develop and implement IPM programs in fruit and vegetable crops. Research is conducted to develop sampling methods, economic thresholds, and control tactics, including biological, cultural, and chemical control. Recent work has centered developing alternatives to pesticides for fruit and vegetable growers.
Rick Foster

Food Pest Entomology
The Food Pest Entomology Program focuses its effort onthe pests affecting the food industry. This includes food from harvest (primarily grain), through the commercial elevator, processor, warehouse, retail market and into the kitchen. Applied research is conducted on alternatives to traditional controls including temperature modification, fumigation, and structural/packaging protection. Basic research focuses on mating and oviposition, attraction and food preferences.
Linda Mason

Field Crops IPM
The Field Crops IPM Group provides information and conducts research on corn, soybean, alfalfa, and small grain pests (insects, nematodes, plant pathogens, weeds, and vertebrates). Here you will find integrated pest management (IPM) information including identification, biology, sampling, control strategies, and current research conducted on pests in the Midwest as well as abroad.
John Obermeyer

Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS)
CERIS operates and maintains three main projects - NPIRS, EXCERPT, and NAPIS. These projects are a collection of databases on pesticide registration information, plant export/import regulations, and pest survey data. Data are received or derived principally from the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Agriculture, and State Regulatory Agencies. CERIS provides the computer systems and the technical expertise in the maintenance, operation, and enhancements of these database systems.
Eileen Luke

Alternative Control Outreach Network (ACORN)
ACORN is a growing network of Master Gardeners, Extension Educators and University Researchers interested in reducing pesticide use in home gardens. We conduct workshops throughout the midwest to train gardeners how to conduct research that tests the effectiveness alternative tactics in their own gardens. The Alternative Control Guide is a web-based directory of alternative tactics.
Cliff Sadof
Biological Control Laboratory
Our research examines basic and applied aspects of the impact of natural enemies on pest dynamics in several crop systems. Our basic research is focused on determining the underlying mechanisms of predator-prey dynamics at the behavioral and population levels. Our applied research includes evaluations of natural enemy efficacy in coltrolling target pests, developing recommendations for using biological control in specific areas, and integrating biological control into IPM systems. Cliff Sadof
The Purdue Nematology Laboratory is located on the main campus of Purdue University in the Department of Entomology. The mission of the Nematology Laboratory is to identify and provide suitable management strategies for plant parasitic nematodes in Indiana. The laboratory is equipped with tools and expertise to process soil and plant materials to extract plant parasitic nematodes in a timely fashion. Relevant research and outreach activities are conducted to enable us to present the best management strategies for nematode pests of Indiana. Jamal Faghihi

Western Corn Rootworm Distribution Maps Western corn rootworm distribution maps for North America and Europe for present and past years. C. Richard Edwards