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In the News

The ant bookmark January 9, 2009
Combination lure for mealybugs cuts costs
University of California, Riverside researchers have found the same generic lure can attract three species of mealybugs, which would cut costs for growers by allowing them to deploy a single pheromone trap rather than three. | More

The ant bookmark September 2, 2008
Group advises how to control ants without harming the environment
When insecticides are sprayed around the outside of homes to kill ants, they are often washed away by rainfall and irrigation, ending up in our rivers, lakes, and streams. Baits in dispensers, spot treatments, and several habitat management practices provide safer alternatives to insecticides; however, consumers and professional applicators often don’t know how to use these methods effectively. | More

Apple with small piles of droppings produced by the larva of a codlng moth. August 20, 2008
Scientists take research about codling moth to the streets
Although sex is a strong attractant, food can sometimes be a bigger draw. Such is the case with a chemical that scientists have discovered in pears that has just the right scent to attract codling moths to traps. This discovery is part of a larger University of California program to control codling moth pests in homeowners' backyard trees. | More

Red-headed ash borer July 30, 2008
Entomologists are matchmakers for cerambycid beetles
Scientists have discovered cheap, generic blends of love potions to attract several species of pest cerambycid beetles. | More

ACP adult June 30, 2008
Information available on Asian citrus psyllid discovered in Tijuana
Efforts have been ramped up on the California-Mexico border to keep out a citrus pest known as the Asian citrus psyllid. The insect was trapped in Tijuana, less than two miles from the California border. The psyllid can carry a bacterial disease called citrus greening, which renders the fruit bitter tasting and can kill citrus trees. Neither the disease nor the insect has been found in California. | More

part of label June 25, 2008
Free online pesticide training available for retail employees
Home gardeners looking for pesticides often turn to their local garden center, hardware, or big box store for advice. Retail managers and their employees can learn how to answer their questions through a free, online pesticide training course from the University of California. | More

UC Integrated Pest Management advisor Phil Phillips searches for avocado lacebug in Mexico in 2008. June 9, 2008
Scientist's foresight paved the way for safer pest management during his career
Phil Phillips ends his nearly 30-year career as an integrated pest management advisor for the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) and the UC Statewide IPM Program when he retires on July 1. | More

Adult corn leafhopper. Two dark spots between the eyes are key characteristics. March 20, 2008
UC scientist teaches growers about corn leafhopper and corn stunt disease
UC entomologist Charlie Summers and his research team are educating growers from Madera, Sacramento, and Yolo counties about corn leafhopper and corn stunt disease in a series of meetings in March. | More

Adult codling moth February 26, 2008
Entomologist seeks solution for citrus thrips damage to blueberries
After blueberry growers in the San Joaquin Valley reported that citrus thrips were causing extensive damage to their crops, a research team led by University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program Advisor David Haviland developed monitoring and treatment guidelines to help growers avoid using unnecessary pesticide applications. | More

Adult codling moth January 3, 2008
Longtime grower honored with Integrated Pest Management Innovator Award
Seventh-generation farmer Chris Locke of Locke Ranch, Inc., knows what it means to be green. Because of his eco-friendly efforts, Locke Ranch has earned a 2007 Integrated Pest Management Innovator Award from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). | More

cover of almonds seasonal guide December 4, 2007
Almond Pest Management Alliance earns IPM Innovator Award
The Almond Pest Management Alliance (PMA), with its publication of a Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds, has earned an IPM Innovator Award from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) for 2007. | More

Native annual desert pincushion, Chaenactis stevioides, surrounded by Sahara mustard seedlings. September 14, 2007
UC scientists find answers about Sahara mustard's spread
Sahara mustard's sweep into Death Valley National Park and other southwestern deserts has caught the attention of UC scientists and California land managers. | More

 A beneficial wasp, Tetramesa romana, lays eggs on a young Arundo shoot. September 10, 2007
Researchers find wasp can strike down giant reed
Scientists have discovered a beneficial wasp in southern California that attacks a highly invasive weed, saving the federal government time and money that would have been spent to import the insect from Europe. | More

A hairy fleabane adult plant. August 23, 2007
Another weed in south Central Valley shows resistance to herbicide
Hairy fleabane, a common summer annual in the south Central Valley, has joined the ranks of weeds that are resistant to glyphosate, an herbicide sold under the brand name Roundup. This is the first occurrence of glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane in the United States. | More

Touch-screen pest management kiosk menu. August 13, 2007
Touch-screen kiosks help consumers solve home and garden pest problems
In between the cotton candy and the corn dogs, visitors to the California State Fair can find solutions for home and garden pests using touch-screen kiosks developed by the University of California (UC) Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. | More

Male light brown apple moth August 10, 2007
University of California offers information about light brown apple moth
As state officials press on with eradication plans to rid California of the light brown apple moth, the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program has produced a new publication to answer the public’s questions. | More

UC Riverside entomologist Michael Rust prepares sticky traps and a balloon for his research project with red imported fire ants. June 25, 2007
Researchers study how fire ants spread during mating flights
Scientists have calculated flight distances and are measuring weather conditions that occur during aerial swarms of the red imported fire ant in a step toward better predicting the insect’s spread in California. | More

Resting house fly. June 19, 2007
Why did the chicken cross the road? —To escape deadly exotic disease
Laboratory testing shows that flies exposed to a food source infected with exotic Newcastle disease (END) can pick up the virus and carry it for several days, perhaps later passing it on to chickens that eat it. | More

crabs June 18, 2007
Scientists propose new warning system for invasive marine species
Marine scientists are studying invasive species in the San Francisco Bay that threaten to spread to other bays along the California coast at the cost of native marine organisms. | More


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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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