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This is the web site of the International Food Information Council Foundation ("IFIC Foundation"). This Online Privacy Policy is made available to you in order to make you aware of how the IFIC Foundation collects and uses individual identifying information from visitors to our web site. "Individual identifying information" is information that enables us to identify you, such as your name, address, e-mail address, or other information you provide to us or that is collected automatically during your visit to our web site.

The IFIC Foundation respects your privacy. We want to make use of individual identifying information that you provide to us for purposes of serving you better. The IFIC Foundation collects the following information regarding visitors to our web site: domain name from which the visitor came; information regarding which pages on our web site are accessed; name; address; telephone number; e-mail address; and other information volunteered by you in response to survey information within the web site, if any. We will never sell or share any of the individual identifying information with any third party without your consent or court order. You may review or update any of the individual identifying information that we collect online either directly on our web site or by sending an e-mail to

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You can reach us at any time by calling, writing or sending an e-mail to us:

International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation
1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 430
Washington, DC 20036
202-296-6540 (phone)
202-296-6547 (fax)