
Interactive Case Study

De Beers: Living Up to Diamonds

The Issue: De Beers' Multifaceted Strategy Shift

Faced with such challenges as new sources of competitions and suspicion about conflict diamonds, Gareth Penny had to rethink the basics

The Analysis: De Beers: From Supply to Demand

In its strategy that focuses on creating demand rather than controlling supply, De Beers faces some risk as it competes with its customers

Comment: What Would You Do?

"In spearheading the Kimberly Process, which certifies that diamond shipments are conflict-free, De Beers has shown true leadership, as befits the company who would benefit most and wields the most influence."

—Patricia O'Connell

Reader Poll

Is competing with its customers a smart move for De Beers?

Reader Survey: Management Insights

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Game-Changing Management Ideas

What do you think are the most intriguing management ideas on the horizon for today's world? Tell us here


Leading With Purpose: Alaina Love

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Send Your Questions

Is there a disconnect between your work and your passions? Could your team deliver better results? Workplace Purpose and Passion expert Alaina Love will answer your questions


Ask Liz Ryan

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Ask Liz Ryan a Question Now

Got a career question for our workplace expert, Liz Ryan? Let Liz help with your trickiest job search, networking, or workplace problem


Beverly Behan: The Boardroom

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New Year's Resolutions for the Boardroom

After an unprecedented year in business, directors striving for better governance in '09 might want to adopt these three proposals


Bill George: True North

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The Innovation Economy

The banks, the carmakers, the real estate market—what will we do? Stop panicking, and consider this eight-step plan to fix the U.S. economy for the long term


Viewpoint: James O'Toole

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Let American Workers Work

Fixing Detroit—and jump-starting U.S. manufacturing—is possible, if companies adopt "high-involvement" management practices


How: Dov Seidman

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Outgreening as Competitive Advantage

Columnist Dov Seidman explains how green behavior in business should be seen as a strategy for success


Headhunter Confidential: Joe McCool

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'Onboarding:' Crucial Feedback for Executive Hires

An emerging ritual to measure performance 90, 100, or 120 days into a top manager's new job can stave off disaster or reinforce excellence


Viewpoint: Shoshana Zuboff

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The GM Solution: Life Boats, Not Life Support

As the ship sinks, "creative destruction" is too simplistic. Only a "creative response" can rebuild a U.S. auto industry


The MultiPolar World: Mark Foster

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The Global Emergence of the 'New Champions'

Western companies face changing dynamics as multinationals from emerging markets play a bold new role in the sweep toward globalization


Creative Leadership: John R. Ryan

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Collaboration: Obama's Best Bet

To forge a economic recovery, Obama must harness Americans' energy by stressing the nation's common purpose



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Reader Phillip Hoopes Writes:

"The treasure of sitting in the classroom at a top MBA school: the relationships and network that can be developed."


The Welch Way: Jack & Suzy Welch

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Don't Forget to Write!

Passionate bouquets and punishing brickbats: Columns from Jack and Suzy Welch that lit you up this year


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