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2009 Sylvia Rowe Fellowship Applications Now Available!

Applications for the 2009 Sylvia Rowe Fellowship Award are now being accepted through February 13, 2009. This internship is open to undergraduate and graduate students in nutrition, food safety, and/or journalism/communications. To find out more about the award and to fill out an application, click here.

Nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese.
Learn more. . .

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Nutrition Information

Food Ingredients

Hydration Sources: It's not Just Water! — Did you know that there are other sources of hydration other than water? Many fruits and vegetables provide you with water, as well as a variety of beverages, including coffee and soda! Read our new brochure Hydration: Does it Always Have to be Water? to learn more about ways to stay hydrated, whether it’s during the warm summer months or during a workout. 

Food Safety Information

Food Biotechnology

Questions about Sustainability? — According to the new 2008 Food Biotechnology Survey, you’re not alone. More and more Americans are aware of sustainable food production. Awareness jumped 11 percent from 2007 (from 30 to 41 percent) and 58 percent felt sustainability was important. Consumers rated “growing more food to help feed the growing global population” as the most important factor for growing crops in a more sustainable manner. Visit the 2008 Food Biotechnology Survey for additional information.