Secretary of Resources, Mike Chrisman
Coastal Conservancy Meeting Dates for 2009
  • February 26 - San Diego
  • April 2 - San Francisco Bay
  • June 4 - Sacramento
  • September 24 - San Mateo Coast
  • October 29 - Mendocino
  • December 3 - Ventura

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The Coastal Conservancy acts with others to preserve, protect and restore the resources of the California Coast.
Our vision is of a beautiful, restored and accessible coastline.

FAQ Concerning Suspension of Work Under State Coastal Conservancy Contracts and Grant Agreements Funded Through State Bond Acts


Public Comments--San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge

The draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge Bayside Birding and Walking Trail is available for review.

Adapting to Climate Change: Draft Project Selection Criteria for Conservancy-Funded Projects

The Coastal Conservancy is updating its project selection criteria for potential grantees to consider and address climate change impacts. Draft project selection criteria and a guidance document for potential grantees are available for public review and comment.


Meeting Notice - Coastal Conservancy

The Board of the California Coastal Conservancy held a public meeting at the City of Oakley, Chambers Room, 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA on Thursday, December 4, 2008.


Dutch Slough Draft EIR

The Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Draft EIR is available for review