United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Helping People Help the Land

About New Mexico NRCS


Dennis Alexander
State Conservationist

Perhaps you know NRCS New Mexico as the USDA agency that issues snow runoff forecasts in the winter or helps working farms and ranches with their conservation improvements.  But did you know we cooperate with many organizations and individuals, support market-based initiatives, and help farmers identify energy savings?

NRCS offers technical information and financial assistance to New Mexico’s many farmers and ranchers.  It also benefits homeowners, consulting firms, other federal agencies, state and local governments, and technical service providers, to name a few.


  • Cartography – Maps of New Mexico’s natural resources

  • Conservation Planning and Resource Management - Conservation planning and technical assistance is available to private producers on a voluntary basis.  The first step is to receive such assistance is to contact your local field office

  • Conservation practices standards –  NRCS conservation practice standards provide guidance for applying conservation technology on the land and set the minimum level for acceptable application of the technology

  • Ecological site descriptions – Descriptions of plant and soil ecosystems

  • Geospatial data gateway - Digital natural resource data of New Mexico for use in geographic information systems

  • National Resource Inventory - A database that shows the status and changes of our resources in New Mexico, including trends and conditions of such features as the amount of urban land in the state, typical crops, and character of many of our other resources

  • Performance Results System (PRS) – Tables showing NRCS’s accomplishments for use by Congress and the public
  • Plant Materials Center – Site for the Los Lunas Plant Materials Center where NRCS develops native plants and technology to solve conservation issues
  • Programs - Descriptions of technical, cost-share, and grant assistance offered by NRCS
  • Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) – Community development program that focuses on the utilization of local resources for improvement of economic and social opportunities
  • Snow pack data and water supply forecasts – Forecasts that predict how much runoff the snow packs in the mountains will yield, or how much water may be available in New Mexico for irrigation and other uses during the growing season.  Forecasts are published starting in January every year, and are released monthly through May
  • Soil surveys – Actual soil survey maps with descriptive materials of sites throughout New Mexico


Last Modified: 07/28/2008