University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Range & Forage


Annual Forages for the Nebraska Panhandle, G1527
Advantages and disadvantages of various annual forages, results of dryland and irrigated forage trials, tips for achieving quality forage, and issues related to animal health and feeding forages.

Grazing Alfalfa, G1393
Grazing alfalfa may be a cost efficient means of harvest for some producers. This NebGuide explores alfalfa and alfalfa/grass options, varieties and stand establishment, and grazing and bloat management.

Grazing Winter Wheat in Nebraska, EC185
Production recommendations for winter wheat for grazing, risks or grazing and impact on crop, and economic analysis of grazing dryland wheat in the Nebraska Panhandle.

Perennial Forages for Irrigated Pasture, G1502
Plant traits and selection guide for perennial forages for irrigated pasture in Nebraska, including information on recommended mixtures and species characteristics.

Seeding Alfalfa, G1456
This NebGuide discusses alfalfa production, including site selection and preparation, fertilization, variety selection, seeding, companion crops, stand management, weed control and stand renovation.

Selecting Alfalfa Varieties for Nebraska, EC153
Yield potential, winter survival and fall dormancy, pest resistance and seed price should be considered when selecting alfalfa varieties in Nebraska.

Windrow Grazing, G1616
Windrow grazing can be an economical alternative to feeding baled hay. This NebGuide discusses potential forages and strategies for windrow grazing.


Certified Perennial Grass Varieties Recommended for Nebraska, EC120
Lists perennial grasses grown in Nebraska and identifies which would be best suited to each of the state's 16 major land resource areas.

Common Grasses of Nebraska: Prairies, Rangelands, Pasturelands, EC170
Illustrated identification guide, including descriptions of infloresence and vegetative characteristics, distribution and habitat, uses and values for 88 grass and grass-like plants in Nebraska.

Conducting a Prescribed Burn and Prescribed Burning Checklist, EC121
A guide to prescribed burning of grassland (low-volatile) fuels, including a checklist of activities and forms to follow.

Conducting a Prescribed Burn on Warm Season-Grass CRP sites, G1649
Correct, safety procedures for conducting a prescribed burn on CRP sites composed of warm-season grasses are discussed.

Costs of Cattle Fencing for Grazing Areas, EC830
Information, data tables and worksheet to help estimate the cost of cattle fencing for grazing areas.

Establishing Dryland Forage Grasses, G1705
Preparation, seed selection, seedbed preparation, fertilization, methods of seeding, time and rate of seeding, weed control and more are covered.

Fences and Livestock Water for Pastures under Center Pivot Irrigation, G581
Reliable fencing and livestock water systems are essential for economically efficient irrigated pastures.

Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska, EC118
Illustrated guide to the identification, distribution, use and value of 117 forbs, 17 shrubs and 4 cacti common to Nebraska. Cost: $12.50.

Grassland Management with Prescribed Fire, EC148
Overview of grassland management describing the history of fire in the grassland ecosystem, how plants respond to fire and the potential benefits of prescribed fire.

Grazing and Hay Records: Spreadsheet Template, EC165
This publication describes the features and provides instructions for use of a downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadship template that can be used for maintaining and summarizing pasture grazing records as well as records of hay fed to livestock.

Integrated Management of Eastern Redcedar, EC186
Cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical tools help keep the eastern redcedar from spreading while protecting grassland production and profits.

Integrating Management Objectives and Grazing Strategies on Semi-aird Rangeland, EC158
Rangelands account for almost half of Nebraska's 24 million acres. This circular covers management practices that optimize the sustainability of rangeland and includes a decision-support tool for selecting grazing systems best suited to management objectives.

Skillful Grazing Management on Semiarid Rangelands, EC162
Understanding the annual processes of repopulation and seasonal growth patterns of common rangeland grasses is the cornerstone of skilled grazing management and long-term ranching success. This publication describes grazing forages reproduction, the growth patterns of plant parts, and managing grazing and drought conditions.

Switchgrass, Big Bluestem, and Indiangrass for Grazing and Hay, G1908
The grazing management and cultural practices discussed in this NebGuide can make the tall warm-season grasses switchgrass, big bluestem, and indiangrass high quality summer forage.

Water Development Costs for Grazing Livestock, EC821
Discussion and worksheets to aid in determining overall costs for providing water to grazing animals.