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Issues: Sustainability


PMA's Approach to Sustainability/Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops

Sustainability, as a whole, is an issue gaining momentum in the eyes of consumers and the produce industry and PMA members are looking to the association for leadership on this emerging issue.

PMA has taken a holistic approach to sustainability. We are actively involved in efforts to develop sustainability metrics for our industry all the while monitoring what standard-setting groups are doing. We believe in three pillars of sustainability – planet (environment), people (social efforts), and prosperity (economic sustainability for companies).

PMA is a founding member of the Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops, a multi-stakeholder initiative to develop a system for measuring sustainable performance throughout the specialty crop supply chain. The project will offer a suite of outcomes-based metrics to enable operators at any point along the supply chain to benchmark, compare, and communicate their performance. SISC does not seek to provide standards, but rather to provide a yard-stick for measuring sustainable outcomes. In the future, the project may also provide tools and resources to help specialty crop companies advance sustainability goals. Additional information is available at www.stewardshipindex.org.

Sustainability Actions at Fresh Summit

Discover the steps PMA and our convention partners took to ensure Fresh Summit 2008 in Orlando, FL was the most sustainable yet! Click HERE for more details. Or you can watch a brief video by clicking here.

PMA also provides information and education to members and is making significant internal efforts (at PMA headquarters and at the events we produce, such as Fresh Summit). During Fresh Summit 2008 in Orlando, PMA held a workshop titled "Saving Dollars and Making Sense of Sustainability." The Powerpoint Presentation for this session is available for viewing.

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Sustainability Resources Available from PMA

Other sustainability resources available from PMA include:

A Call for Your Sustainability Videos:

Do you have a digital video highlighting your company's sustainability efforts? If so, PMA would like to feature it here. Send us an e-mail and we'll be in touch with additional details.

**Interested in seeing what your fellow members have submitted? To date, we have videos from Stemilt Growers and Dole Food Company.

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Share your sustainability stories

Companies in the produce industry all over the world are striving to implement and strengthen their sustainability initiatives. Read what some companies are doing to meet their sustainability goals. Is your company implementing sustainable practices? Send us an e-mail and let us know!

External Sustainability Resources

There is a wide variety of sustainability resources available outside of PMA. Many organizations are striving to shape sustainability efforts and discussions. Below you will find a listing of some of the resources available for your review.

**Please note that PMA does not necessarily endorse any of the above mentioned organizations or plans. This listing is for reference reasons only.

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