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Issues: Packaging

New! The PMA Impact Award: Excellence in Packaging.

In 2004, PMA formed a Packaging Council to give its members a forum to openly discuss packaging issues and develop solutions that will benefit packaging options currently in use throughout the supply chain. In addition to serving as a resource for the grower and retail communities, the committee allows PMA to collect and disseminate information to its membership on packaging issues through its learning network of products and educational offerings.

One of the outcomes from the PMA Packaging Council's work was a consumer preferences study titled Produce Packaging: Consumer Preferences and Buying Behavior. This study found that, while consumers purchase loose fruits and vegetables because they believe these items are fresher and of better quality, they also feel that pre-packaged produce is safer and more sanitary. Thirty-five percent of consumers said loose produce items make up between 76 to 100% of their fresh produce purchases, while 42% said pre-packaged items make up less than 15% of their purchases.

The survey also found that:

  • While 72% of primary shoppers surveyed said loose produce “delivers consistently better quality and taste,” 51% of these same shoppers described packaged produce as “more sanitary,” while 41% described packaged produce as being “safer.” The reason for this is that consumers feel loose produce is “handled” more often at the store.
  • Smaller, more flexible packages are preferred more than larger, rigid packages. The reasons given for flexibility were being able to “see” and “feel” the produce, as well as ease of storage. Reasons given for smaller packages related to household size, with 52% saying they purchase produce for a smaller family, and 28% saying that larger packaging may spoil too quickly.
  • Package design plays a key influencing role in produce purchase decisions. Eighty-four percent of consumers said a transparent design allows them to see what they are purchasing.

Other PMA packaging/labeling resources include:


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