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Issues: Immigration Reform

By their nature, fresh fruits and vegetables are highly perishable and need to be harvested, packaged, and shipped in a timely manner. This is especially important in certain agricultural areas of the U.S. that have small windows of opportunity to harvest their crops due to the seasons. The industry relies on a strong workforce of both domestic and guest workers in order to gather produce from the fields; however, current U.S. guest worker programs do not sufficiently meet our industry's needs.

PMA supports immigration reform, particularly the provisions in the AgJOBS bill.

PMA Member Immigration Reform Briefings & Resources

If immigration reform is important to your business, consider joining PMA's Grassroots Organized to Win (GROW) network. This volunteer group of member advocates helps PMA inform Congress on immigration reform, nutrition programs, and other policy issues. E-mail GROW@pma.com to sign up.

Documentos Relacionados (PDF)

U.S. Department of Agriculture Report on Farm Labor PDF   -  08/30/2006
This USDA report detaile trends in the U.S. agricultural workforce. It highlights those regions who have experienced decreases in labor availability - due in part to issues related to immigration.

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