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Chrysalis Nutritionist Stephen Heuer Arrested by Federal Marshalls in FDA Raid

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 16 - Both the FTC and FDA are turning up the heat on nutrition-oriented companies and websites, resorting to arrests at gunpoint to enforce "nutritional illiteracy" across America by imprisoning those who accurately...

Drugs Prescribed for Alzheimer's Disease Increase Mental Decline and Deaths

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
January 16 - When people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD) " act up" and show signs of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as aggression and agitation, they are often given antipsychotic drugs. Now, it turns out, that's...

Fruit Rich in Polyphenols Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease, Cognitive Decline

By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 16 - Fruits rich in polyphenols may help protect against the oxidative stress that has been linked to cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from three Korean universities...

Smoking Increases Risk of Premenstrual Syndrome

By Reuben Chow
January 16 - Are you a smoker who suffers from bad premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms? If your answer is "yes", you may have one more reason to consider throwing the sticks away. A study at the University of Massachusetts...

A Simple and Natural Facemask with Vitamin C

By Sheryl Walters
January 16 - Vitamin C is an extremely common skin care ingredient, since vitamin C is necessary for healthy skin. Vitamin C has been scientifically validated for reducing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin. Yet many vitamin...

Improve Cardiovascular Health Naturally

By Jo Hartley
January 16 - The best way to ensure a healthy cardiovascular system is to eliminate unhealthy fats from one's diet, eat whole foods, and engage in regular aerobic exercise activity. The cardiovascular system is also affected...

Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance is the Key to Vibrant Health for Women

By Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
January 16 - Hormones fill us with the music of life. With proper levels of hormones, there is no end to how good life can feel and what can be accomplished. When hormones are abundant and balanced, we have the full backing...

Doctor Leaked Sensitive Documents on Avandia Study to GlaxoSmithKline

By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 16 - A health researcher who has taken consulting money from GlaxoSmithKline admits that he tipped the company off that a study was about to be published showing that the diabetes drug Avandia significantly raised...

Fast Food = Healthy? "Raw in 10 Minutes" by Bryan Au Reveals Fast, Healthy Raw Foods Recipes

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 16 - At a fun-filled social gathering, I nearly flipped out when a raw foods friend of mine served up a plate of Super Nachos on an oversized platter. It wasn't made of fried corn chips and cheese, however: It was...

Review: Thyadine from TriMedica Delivers Colloidal Iodine for Your Thyroid

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
January 15 - Oprah's body weight challenges have brought thyroid function into the minds of many, but few people still understand the importance of iodine for supporting the thyroid and enhancing proper metabolism. Based...

Radioactive Medical Devices Could be Used to Make Dirty Bombs

By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 15 - The radioactive devices used in medical centers across the country could pose an attractive target for terrorists seeking to make dirty bombs, according to a report by a panel of the U.S. National Research council...

Vicks VapoRub May Harm Children: Researchers Recommend Natural Treatments

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
January 15 - Vicks VapoRub has long been a popular over-the-counter treatment for symptoms of cough and congestion. But now research published in the January issue of CHEST, the peer-reviewed journal of the American College...

Tips to Improve Your Health by Juicing

By Jo Hartley
January 15 - When trying to incorporate raw foods into one's diet, juicing is a very effective way to add in large amounts of different raw foods. Many people have a large build-up of mucoid plaque within the intestines because...

Incompetent Bosses Raise Risk of Heart Disease and Related Death

By Reuben Chow
January 15 - When someone says that his or her boss 'will be the death of me', her or she could mean it more than just figuratively. According to recent research conducted in Sweden, employees' risk of getting angina, heart...

A Deflationary Environment may be Just What America Needs

By Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
January 15 - Every crisis has a silver lining. For years we in the Western world have been taught that the absolute worst thing that could happen to an economy is deflation, a retrenchment in the value of goods and services...

Insulin Mimickers in Black Tea Could Help Prevent Diabetes

By David Gutierrez, staff writer
January 15 - Natural chemicals contained in black tea might mimic insulin's effects in the body and help protect against diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from Dundee University and the Scottish Crop...

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Citizen Journalism Articles from Contributing Writers:

FDA Approves Some New Drugs Illegally

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 16 - The Office of Inspector General has just released a sickening report on the FDA's drug approval process; providing...

AquaDent Pet Oral Health Product Contains Deadly Xylitol

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 15 - Many pet owners are aware that the sugar substitute Xylitol, found in many sugar free chewing gums, is toxic...

Chamomile Tea Regulates Blood Sugar, Prevents and Manages Diabetes

By Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
January 15 - The importance of regulating blood sugar is clear: stabilizing blood sugar can prevent many health problems...

Honey Laundering Gives Insight of Tricks to Chinese Exporting

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 14 - The Seattle PI News Source recently published an article on Honey Laundering; possible tainted Chinese honey...

Avoid Diets High in Trans Fat, Disease and Death

By John M. Yarlott, citizen journalist
January 14 - The average American individual regularly eats some food high in Trans Fat. This may put average Americans at...

Citrus Grove Weed Control Using Organic Plant Waste

By Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., citizen journalist
January 14 - Organic citrus farmers are faced with escalating production challenges such as weed control to meet consumer...

Natural Treatments for Coughs: Use Herbs and Homeopathy

By Melanie Grimes, citizen journalist
January 14 - Coughs are caused by an irritation in the lining of the throat or lungs, causing mucus build up. When you are...

Three Must-Have Superfoods

By Matt Monarch, citizen journalist
January 14 - Much research has been done lately on superfoods. There is a lot of buzz about certain foods, and the truth...

OIG Reports FDA Approved Drugs without Following Federal Safety Laws

By Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist
January 14 - The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has just released a damning report on the FDA's drug approval process...

Stay Active and Exercise to Reduce Hunger

By Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
January 14 - We all know that extra workout can help us lose weight by burning more calories, but exercise can also support...

Better Sleep with Twilight

By Melanie Grimes, citizen journalist
January 14 - Before the Industrial Revolution, when night arrived, the sky darkened. This was conducive to sleep, and our...

Hypnosis Reduces Anxiety in Children Undergoing Invasive Medical Procedures

By Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., citizen journalist
January 14 - Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is an invasive medical procedure involving a catheter used to examine the...

Patrick Swayze's Misguided Faith in Mainstream Medicine

By Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist
January 11 - Millions of people tuned in to watch the Barbara Walters interview with Patrick Swayze which centered on his...

Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

By Patty Donovan, citizen journalist
January 11 - As the disappearance of honeybees continues, researchers are trying desperately to discover the cause of Colony...

Homemade Superfood III: Old Fashioned Chicken Soup

By Staff writer, citizen journalist
January 9 - This article is no longer available. Return to the home page

Winning the War on Food (Part 3): When Gardening Is Considered Homegrown Terrorism

By Neil McLaughlin, citizen journalist
January 8 - This article is no longer available. Return to the home page

Conventional Prostate Cancer Treatment Contributes to Cognitive Decline

By Ella Andersen, citizen journalist
January 8 - Through many cancer regiments, the results of the treatments leave the patients with debilitating and most of...

Sunlight Exposure Doesn't Guarantee Enough Vitamin D

By Joanne Waldron, citizen journalist
January 7 - The health benefits of vitamin D are undeniable. A vitamin D deficiency can cause all sorts of health problems...

The 2008 Biggest Stupid Act in Pet Food Award

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 7 - Similar to Hollywood's Worst Dressed List or (if you're old enough to remember) Laugh In's Fickle Finger of...

Mike Adams Talks About the Benefits of Alkalizing and Mineralizing Water

By Kevin Gianni, citizen journalist
January 7 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Water Secrets, which can be found at (http://www.renegadewatersecrets...

Banks Do Not Keep Reserves

By Arian Forrest Nevin, J.D., citizen journalist
January 6 - Contrary to widely held belief, banks, not the government, create money. It is also widely believed that banks...

Why You Should Avoid Fast Food at All Costs

By Richard Stacel, citizen journalist
January 6 - Most people today are usually aware that fast food is not the healthiest or "best" food to eat. Typically, the...

Dry Skin Brushing: A Natural Way to Detox

By Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
January 6 - The toxins that pollute our air and water aren't just an environmental concern. We take these poisons into our...

Huge Growth in Dishonest Pet Food Claims

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 6 - Packaged Facts, a market research firm, says that sales of natural pet food in the United States reached $1...

Go for Raw

By Teya Skae, citizen journalist
January 6 - In the world of nutrition, health and longevity we are subjected to an overload of often conflicting dietary...

Dollar Store Discount Dog Treats Might Cost You More

By Susan Thixton, citizen journalist
January 5 - Recently in a Dear Heloise article, a pet owner wrote she buys treats at a Dollar store for $1 that are "almost...

Toxic Dangers to Children from Third-Hand Smoke

By Susanne Morrone, C.N.C., citizen journalist
January 5 - Most people recognize potential health risks to the smoker and those exposed to second-hand smoke. Throughout...

New Study Shows Genes may be Responsible for Placebo Effect

By Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
January 5 - Medical research largely depends on the results from studies that show a particular medication provides better...

Modern Birth Control: Blessing or Barbarism?

By Jennifer McKinley, citizen journalist
January 5 - Throughout history women have found many interesting ways to practice birth control. There is evidence of women...

Low-Carb Diets Do Not Have to be Stressful or Boring

By Dr. Phil Domenico, citizen journalist
January 3 - In a study comparing an Atkins-type diet with a reduced-calorie regime, Tufts University scientists reported...

The Raw Food Lifestyle: How to Dine Out at Non-Raw Food Restaurants

By Lenette Nakauchi, citizen journalist
January 3 - Now that you've decided to eat a primarily raw-vegan food based diet, you may wonder how you can dine out at...

The Three Biggest Grocery Shopping Mistakes

By Ellen Holder, citizen journalist
January 3 - A peek into the grocery carts of many families shopping at their neighborhood supermarkets is telling. As we...

Matt Monarch on Transitions, Supplements and Traveling on a Raw Food Lifestyle

By Kevin Gianni, citizen journalist
January 3 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at (http://www.RenegadeRoundtable...

Elevated Risk of Birth Defects Found in Women With Pre-Pregnancy Diabetes

By Ella Andersen, citizen journalist
January 1 - Type II diabetes is a very troublesome condition. Without a proper diet (avoiding non-fibrous carbohydrates...

The Miracle of Fasting (Part 4) - Advanced Tissue Cleansing

By Neil McLaughlin, citizen journalist
January 1 - This article is no longer available. Return to the home page

Finding the Powerful Forces of Nature in the Compost Pile

By Dr. Phil Domenico, citizen journalist
January 1 - Philosophers throughout history have sought out grand theories to define Nature, as if there were a unifying...

Matt Monarch Talks About the Blood Gas Theory and Weight Loss

By Kevin Gianni, citizen journalist
January 1 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at (http://www.RenegadeRoundtable...

Nature’s Candida Cure: Coconut Oil Solves Yeast Problems

By Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
December 30 - Often mis-diagnosed and even dismissed, candida is culprit behind numerous health problems. The symptoms associated...

Relieve Your Nerves with Valerian and Kava Kava

By Neil McLaughlin, citizen journalist
December 30 - This article is no longer available. Return to the home page

Consume Super Foods for Super Health and Disease Prevention

By Frank Mangano, citizen journalist
December 30 - We all know that when it comes to nutrition, all foods are not made the same. Whole wheat flour is better than...

Natural Remedies for Laryingitis

By Maryann Marshall, citizen journalist
December 30 - Laryngitis leaves a person speechless. At best, the person speaks in a raspy tone or in a whisper. Severe cases...

Integrative Medicine and the Future of Pharmacy

By Jeremiah Smith, citizen journalist
December 30 - The current model of pharmacy practice, and of Western medicine as a whole, is based upon managing symptoms...

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Health Ranger Show #67: FTC Assault on the Daniel Chapter One Church for Selling Dietary Supplements
This alarming interview explains the FTC's bizarre assault on a Christian church, Daniel Chapter One, for daring to sell dietary supplements that help people protect themselves against cancer. This shocking interview was conducted on January 11, 2009.
Click here to listen now (MP3).

Health Ranger Show #66: Interview with Dr. Issac Eliaz
Health Ranger Mike Adams talks with Dr. Isaac Eliaz about the use of chelation therapy and modified citrus pectin to detoxify the body.
Click here to listen now (MP3).

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New Video:
KC Craichy from Living Fuel Interviewed by Health Ranger

Living Fuel founder KC Craichy and his wife Monica are featured in a new video interview now posted on YouTube. Living Fuel (www.LivingFuel.com) remains my top-recommended whole meal superfood product, and when I was invited to jump onto a video set...

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New CounterThink Cartoon:
Gambling with Your Health

As recent developments in the HRT drug scandal continue to reveal (http://www.naturalnews.com/025090.html), relying on conventional medicine to treat your health is like playing Russian Roulette with your life. Virtually every popular treatment offered...

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"Arguing that what people burn and release into the air doesn't affect the climate is sort of like arguing that what people eat doesn't affect their health."

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, September 2008

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Most Recent Artices by the Health Ranger

Chrysalis Nutritionist Stephen Heuer Arrested by Federal Marshalls in FDA Raid

Fast Food = Healthy? "Raw in 10 Minutes" by Bryan Au Reveals Fast, Healthy Raw Foods Recipes

Review: Thyadine from TriMedica Delivers Colloidal Iodine for Your Thyroid

I Want My Bailout Money (video)

Tyrannical FTC Threatens Christian Church with Imprisonment for Selling Dietary Supplements

FDA Scientists Accuse Own Administration of Corruption, Intimidation and Scientific Censorship

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Product Review:
Boku Super Food

Boku Super Food contains powerful nutritional medicine that can help prevent and even reverse serious diseases that are now devastating our population...

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Phototour: Mystery Meat Macrophotography

Hold on to your lunch for this one! We're about to take you on a journey into some sick macrophotography of processed meat products.
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