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Globalization and Civil Society in the Muslim World*

Library of Congress
Wednesday 14th November, 2001

Six participants explore the dimensions of civil society in the Muslim world from a variety of perspectives. Historical examples include the origins of civil society in early Islam, the relationship between people and law as revealed through Egyptian court records, and civil reform in the Ottoman Empire. Contemporary examples include the effects of globalization on traditional concepts of civil society in the Arab world, civil society in Tajikistan, and the role of intellectuals in relation to civil society in Iran.

Panels and Topics

Select a link below to view and hear the Webcast (presented in RealMedia format -- a RealPlayer version 7 or above is required to view the Webcasts)

Opening Remarks

Carolyn Brown, Assistant Librarian for Library Services, and Acting Director for Area Studies at the Library of Congress

Panel I: Civil Society in Historical Perspective

Mary-Jane Deeb, Arab World Area Specialist, Library of Congress (Chair)

Richard K. Khuri, Scholar at the Council for Research and Values, Catholic University, Washington, DC. "The Origin of Civil Society in Islam"

Amira El Azhary Sonbol, Associate Professor of Islamic History, Law and Society in the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University. "People and the Law in Egypt: Civil Society through Court Records"

Madeline C. Zilfi, Associate Chair of the Department of History, the University of Maryland, College Park. "The Sultan’s Last Sigh: Putting an End to Slave Officialdom in the Ottoman Reform Era."

Questions and Answers

Panel II: Civil Society: Contemporary Case Studies

Prosser Gifford, Director, Office of Scholarly Programs, Library of Congress (Chair)

Michael C. Hudson, Seif Ghobash Professor of Arab Studies, and Professor of International Relations, Georgetown University. "Globalization and Civil Society in the Arab World"

Muriel Atkin
, Director of the Russian and Eastern European Studies Program of the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University. "Civil Society: Illusion and Reality in Tajikistan"

Ramin Jahanbegloo
, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, The National Endowment for Democracy. "Civil Society in Iran and the Role of Intellectuals"

Questions and Answers

*Made possible with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation

Globalization and Women in Muslim Societies | Globalization and Law in Muslim Societies
Globalization and Minorities in Muslim Societies | Intellectual Debates in Islam in the New Global Era
Globalization and Civil Society in the Muslim World


The Library of Congress

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