
Many people are familiar with animal parasitic nematodes such as Ascaris and Trichinella because they are relatively large and easily visible. Other kinds of nematodes parasitize insects and are used in management of insect pests. Most plant parasitic nematodes however, are not visible with a naked eye and require special equipment and training for their recognition. Plant parasitic nematodes may be categorized based on their feeding behavior and their hosts. Most plant parasitic nematodes feed on root systems of plants while some are able to feed on the above ground parts. Some of the plant parasitic nematodes, e.g., soybean cyst nematode, are important economic pests. Some nematodes can cause significant economic losses without any visible symptoms on the plants. Some nematodes, e.g., root knot nematodes, have broad host ranges and are widespread around the world, whereas others, like soybean cyst nematode, are relatively host specific. In Indiana, soybean cyst nematode is the most important plant parasitic nematode in soybean and needle nematode is the most important nematode in corn.

The Purdue Nematology Laboratory is located on the main campus of Purdue University in the Department of Entomology. The mission of the Nematology Laboratory is to identify and provide suitable management strategies for plant parasitic nematodes in Indiana. The laboratory is equipped with tools and expertise to process soil and plant materials to extract plant parasitic nematodes in a timely fashion. Relevant research and outreach activities are conducted to enable us to present the best management strategies for nematode pests of Indiana.


Soybean Nematodes

Explore an in-depth analysis of the the most economically important and perennial plant parasitic nematode, the Soybean Cyst Nematode. Learn about it's Life Cycle, Management Strategies, and how it is spread.
  E-210 "Soybean Cyst Nematodes"
  Exposing Cyst Contents

Corn Nematodes

Discover more informations on the Needle nematode (Longidorus), the most significant corn damaging parasitic nematode in Indiana, along with other common Corn Nematodes
  E-215 "Needle Nematode"

Turf Nematodes

Learn more about Turf Nematode identification, Sampling procedures, and management strategies as well as common symptoms associated with the major types of Turf Nematodes found in Indiana.
  Ring Nematode

Melon Nematodes

Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) is the most destructive plant parasitic nematode in melon growing areas of central Indiana. Find out more about the symptoms and causes of this damaging nematode