Linda Mason

Professor, Behavioral Ecology and Food Pest Entomology
901 West State St.
West Lafayette , IN
Office Phone: 494-4586
Office Number: SMTH 105B
Lab Number: SMTH 117
Office Phone: 494-6810
Email Address:


BSForest Resources and Conservation 1979 Univeristy of Florida
MSEntomology 1983 Auburn University
PhDEntomology 1987 Louisiana State University

Research Interests

Stored Product InsectsLosses attributed to stored product insects have been estimated at 5 to 10% of the world's food production. And in some countries, greater than 50% is lost due to these pests. Besides consuming grain directly, insect activity in stored grain raises the temperature and humidity opening the way for grain degradation by molds. If these losses were prevented, much of the food shortages in food deficit areas of the world could be alleviated. Dr. Mason's challenge has been to prevent storage losses while addressing the public's concerns over pesticide residues in food, the pending loss of registered grain fumigants, and the need to maintain grain quality in long-term storage.

The major emphasis of the program has been the development of non-pesticidal control strategies for the grain storage industry. The first technology developed was a chilled aeration system to maintain quality during the summer storage season. This technology allows for the storage of high value crops without pesticides. The potential savings on just popcorn stored in Indiana could exceed $605,000, calculated on the current cost of chilling and the volume of popcorn stored in the state. This technology has now been transferred to the industry and has been adopted by some larger food manufacturers. The second technology is the use of ozone as a replacement for traditional fumigants. Ozonation is in the final phase of technological development. Currently, long periods of aeration are need to remove a fumigant from a grain mass. Ozonation has the advantage of immediate gassing and degassing of a structure, does not require a license for application, can be applied from outside the structure so there are no confined space issues, and is equal in fumigation time and cost of currently available fumigants. The latest technology being developed is the use of CO2 for early detection of pest populations and a new electronic insect sampling method. This research in is the first stages of development.

Professional Activities


North Central Region 213 (Marketing and delivery of quality cereals and oilseeds) active member


Indiana Academy of Science – Entomology Section Chair


Entomological Society of America - Outstanding Achievement Award In Primary and Secondary Teaching Using Insects as Education Material. Committee member Chair


Entomological Society of America - North Central Branch Secretary-Treasurer. 1995-1998 (re-elected to second 3 year term)


North Central 213 (151) Governing Board. 1995 Secretary, 1996 Vice Chair, 1997 Chair, 1997-1999 Chair Rewrite committee.


Secretary-Treasurer Entomological Society of America

1997-present Dr. Mason is currently serving on two national task forces.

Methyl bromide, one of two fumigants used in the food industry is slated for removal in 2005 due to the clean air amendment. That leaves only phosphine to protect raw and finished commodities from pest contamination. In 1998 the EPA, released the RED (Re registration) for phosphine. The RED puts severe limitations of the use of phosphine, potentially leading to the loss of this only remaining fumigant. A national task force was formed (By the USDA) to advise the EPA, and eventually rewrite, the RED. Dr. Mason’s part of the team has been providing input on the use of phosphine in the grain trade. Team meetings have occurred in Washington, over the internet and conference calls. We have just completed discussions with trade groups and user coalition groups and have completed a memorandum of agreement between the registrant and EPA.

The passage of the Food Quality Protection Act has resulted in re registration requirements for all organophosphate (OP) insecticides. Reldan, the major OP used in post harvest protection of wheat, is being threatened by this legislation. Dr. Mason is part of team that is designing a strategy for getting Reldan through the process without significant changes in Reldan's use pattern and examining synergists that might reduce current application rates. Team meetings have taken place in Indianapolis, Washington and through conference calls.

Research and Other Awards


American Society of Agricultural Engineers Blue Ribbon Award for outstanding entry in the 1998 Educational Aids Competition "S.L.A.M." D.E. Maier, L.J. Mason, & C.P. Woloshuk


Purdue University School of Agriculture "Team Award". L.J. Mason, D.E. Maier & C.P.Woloshuk.


Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialist Association Team Award. 1999-2000. L.J. Mason, D.E. Maier & C.P. Woloshuk

Extension/Outreach Activities

The complex problems associated with the stored grain environment require an interdisciplinary approach involving entomologists, plant pathologists, and agricultural and biological engineers. To meet the goals of reducing pest damage to stored grain, the Purdue Grain Quality Team was established by Dr. Mason and her colleagues, Dr. Dirk Maier (ABE) and Dr. Charles Woloshuk (BTNY). The Grain Quality Team approaches problem resolution from an integrated thrust rather than an individual disciplinary approach. As a member of the Team, Dr. Mason provides leadership in developing, validating, and implementing new management technologies that utilize weaknesses in insect biology to reduce stored grain losses.

One of the new integrative approaches to stored grain pest management is S.L.A.M. The S.L.A.M. approach emphasizes four critical points: Sanitation of facilities, Loading grain properly, Aeration for temperature and pest management, and Monitoring for quality issues. To promote this concept, the Team developed a full color poster, a color brochure (ID 207), and a free standing display. The broad acceptance and recognition of S.L.A.M. led to a collaboration with Oklahoma State University, and a grant ($50,000) from the National Foundation for IPM Education to develop training videos, educational displays, and to conduct training workshops throughout the United States and Canada. Dr. Mason currently serves a multi-state area, providing her extension program to universities that do not have a resident post harvest entomologist. She is currently developing a CD with the University of Illinois that will provide training to clientele in Illinois and Indiana that cannot attend one of her training sessions in person. This spring the team is offering an on-line grain quality management certification course for grain managers and producers. This course will combine the various extension materials the team uses in on-site training as well as a testing module.

Selected Publications

Mason, L.J. 1996. Sweet potato - A strong case for integrated pest management. J. Okinawa Agric. 31: 97-105.
Maier, D.E., W.H. Adams, J.E. Throne, & L.J. Mason. 1996. Temperature management of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in three locations in the U.S. J. Stored Prod. Res. 32: 255-273.
Maier, D.E., R.A. Rulon, & L.J. Mason. 1997. Chilled aeration of stored popcorn - Part 1: Temperature Management. J. Stored Prod. Res. 33: 39-49
Mason, L.J., R.A. Rulon, & D.E. Maier. 1997. Chilled aeration of stored popcorn - Part 2: Pest Management. J. Stored Prod. Res. 33: 51-58.
L.J. Mason. 1997. Alternative methods for suppression of pantry pests. J. Agri. Entomol. 14: 323-332.
Kells, S.A, L. J. Mason, D.E. Maier, & C.P. Woloshuk. 2001. Efficacy and Fumigation characteristics of ozone in stored maize. J. Stored Prod. Res. Fall issue- pages TBD
Mendoz, F, D.E. Maier, L. J. Mason, & C.P. Woloshuk. 2002. Characterization of ozone fumigation and its effect on the chemical composition and the processing performance of stored grains. J. Stored Prod. Res. In press.
Book chapters/Proceedings:
Mannion, C.M.*, R.K. Jansson, D.R. Seal, & L.J. Mason. 1996. IPM in Root and Tuber Crops. In: Pest Management in the Subtropics: Integrated Pest Management pp. 423-437. D. Rosen, F.D. Bennett, and J.L. Capinera (Eds.). Intercept Ltd., UK.
Mason, L.J. & C.A. Strait. 1997. Stored Product Integrated Pest Management with Extreme Temperatures. In: Lethal Temperatures in Integrated Pest Management. G. Hallman & D. Denlinger (Eds). Westview Press, Denver, CO. Chapter 6: 139-175
Hinkle, N.C., Hinkle, B. Sparks, L.J. Mason, K.M. Vail. 2002. Extension Entomology, In Encyclopedia of Insects V. Resh & R. Cardé, (Eds). Academic Press
Mason, L.J. Insects and Mites – In: Food Plant Sanitation. 2002. Richard Gorham, (Ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc
Adams, W.H., D.E. Maier, J.E. Throne, & L.J. Mason. 1995. Comparison of stored grain temperature management of maize weevil in three U.S. locations. ASAE Paper # 95-6122.
Mason, L.J., D.E. Maier, W.H. Adams, & J.L Obermeyer. 1995. Pest management of stored maize using chilled aeration - A midwest United States perspective. In: Proc. 6th Inter. Working Conf. on Stored Prod. (Eds.) E. Highley, E.J. Wright, H.J. Banks, and B.R. Camp. 1: 312-317.
Mason, L.J., D.E. Maier W.H. Adams, J.L Obermeyer. 1995 Pest Management of Stored Maize Using Chilled Aeration - A midwest United States Perspective. In: Proc. 6th Inter. Working Conf. on Stored Prod. Prot. (Eds.) E. Highley, E.J. Wright, H.J. Banks, and B.R. Camp. 1: 312-317.
Rulong, R.A., D.E. Maier, & L.J. Mason. 1995. Chilled conditioning and pest management of stored popcorn. ASAE. 95-6123.
Martin, M., R. Edwards, L. Mason & D. Maier. Stored Wheat IPM Practices and Pesticide Use in Key Regions of the United States. ARP Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN B-752 .1997.
Mason, L.J., C.P. Woloshuk, & D.E. Maier. 1997. Efficacy of ozone to control insects, molds, and mycotoxins in stored grain facilities. In: Proc. Inter. Conf. Cntr. Atm. Fum. Stored Prod. (Eds.) S. Navarro & J. Donahaye.
Mason, L.J. Maintaining Quality in Stored Wheat: Elevator Survey Report. Grain Elevator and Processing Society. San Antonio TX. Written report and published on CD. 24 pgs.
Self-Directed Manuals:
Food Plant Pest Management Correspondence Course Manual. Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management. R.M. Corrigan, J.H. Klotz, & L.J. Mason. 1992.
Advance Level Urban and Industrial Integrated Pest Management Course Manual. Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management. K.P. Grimley, R.M. Corrigan, L.J. Mason, & M. Scharf. 1995.
IPM Manuals and Guides:
Popcorn Pest Management Manual for the Midwest (IPM-5). C.R. Edwards, J.L. Obermeyer, D.H. Scott, T.N. Jordan, D.J. Childs, J. M. Ferris, R. M. Corrigan, D.E. Maier, L.J. Mason, C.P. Woloshuk, J.O. Sillings, & R.B. Reynolds. 1994. 268 pp.
Post Harvest Pocket Guide. L. Mason, D.E. Maier, & C.P. Woloshuk. 1996. 236 pp.
Fact Sheets:
Grain Quality Fact Sheet No. 21. Keeping Cold Grain Cold. D.E. Maier & L.J. Mason. 1995. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 5. Hairy Fungus Beetle. L. J. Mason. 1994. 1pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 6. Rusty, Flat, & Flour Mill Beetles. L. J. Mason. 1994. 2pp
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 7. Sawtoothed Grain Beetle. L. J. Mason. 1994. 1pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 8. Dried Fruit Beetle. L. J. Mason. 1994. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 9. Warehouse Beetle. L. J. Mason. 1995. 1pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 10. Pirate Bugs. L. J. Mason. 1995. 1pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 11. Foreign Grain Beetle. L. J. Mason. 1995. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 12. Small Flies. L. J. Mason. 1996. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 13. Filth Flies. L. J. Mason. 1996. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 14. Nuisance Flies. L. J. Mason. 1997. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 15. Angoumois Grain Moth. L. J. Mason. 1998. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 16. Rice, Granary & Maize Weevils. L. J. Mason. 1998. 2pp.
Insect Bio Fact Sheet. FPE 17. Lesser Grain Borer. L. J. Mason. 1998. 2pp.
Trade Journal:
Mason, L.J. Update on DDVP for the food processing industry, Milling Journal. Jul/Sept 1995.
Suiter, D. L.J. Mason, C. Oseto L& G. Bennett. Urban Entomologists Wanted! Pest Control. January 1999 pgs. 58-60.
Dr. Mason writes a bi-monthly column (Stored Grain Management) for the Grain Journal, a national trade journal for the grain elevator and processing industry (Circulation: 12,000)
Dr. Mason is an occasional contributor to the Pest Management and Crop Production Newsletter.
IL Wheat Grower Association Newsletter. Preparing for the wheat harvest - what should you be doing? Spring 1999.
National Television:
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - May 1997
MTV Road Rules - taped Sept 1997; Aired April 1998
The Magic Johnson Show - June 1998
Computer Software
Post-Harvest IPM Educator (CD). Aug 1997. D.E. Maier, L.J. Mason, L.M. Ferrence, & C. Gosnell.
Pesticides and Food Safety. PPP-22. F. Whitford, L. Mason & C. Winter. 1992. 12 pp.
Maximizing Grain Quality and Profits Using S.L.A.M. ID207. D.E. Maier, L.J. Mason, & C.P. Woloshuk. Purdue Cooperative Extension Service. 1994. 8 pp.
Electric Grain Chilling Replaces Chemicals for Preserving Grain. D.E. Maier, N.F. Meador, R.S. Hiatt, L.J. Mason, & C.P. Woloshuk. 1996. Tech Commentary TC 106146 EPRI. 6 pp.