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January 12, 2009  - A final rule implementing the Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (MCOOL) law provides flexibility for the U.S. pork industry but remains a costly and potentially cumbersome statute, said the National Pork Producers Council. The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued the final rule today.The law requires muscle cuts of pork, beef, lamb and goat meat to be labeled in one of four categories: Cate... More

December 17, 2008  - The National Pork Producers Council congratulates former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack for being picked to be the next secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Vilsack today was nominated by President-elect Obama to be the 30th USDA secretary.“Tom Vilsack knows production agriculture and the pork industry and will make a good Secretary of Agriculture,” said NPPC President Bryan Black, a pork produ... More

November 5, 2008  - Expressing concern that a similar ban will be attempted in other states, the National Pork Producers Council decried yesterday’s vote in California to prohibit the use of gestation crates for pregnant pigs.Californians voted 63.2 to 36.8 percent in favor of Proposition 2, which will require that pregnant pigs, laying hens and calves raised for veal be kept in enclosures large enough that they can ... More

October 31, 2008  - Calling it a “tough but fair rule” that sets a high environmental standard for livestock producers, the National Pork Producer Council today praised the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its new regulation for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). “The CAFO regulation issued today is a tough but fair rule and sets a standard that the U.S. pork industry has been and will continue l... More

October 24, 2008  - After meetings this week with Mexican government officials on market access issues, the National Pork Producers Council urged the U.S. government to make a top priority completion of risk assessments for Classical Swine Fever in a number of Mexican states.On behalf of its pork producers, Mexican officials in Washington raised concerns about reciprocal market access to the U.S. pork market because ... More

October 8, 2008  - The U.S. Department of Agriculture today issued a final regulation for implementing a program in which producers may participate to certify that their pork is free of trichinae, a move that should allay concerns of U.S. trading partners and help boost U.S. pork exports, according to the National Pork Producers Council, which worked to get the program included in the 2008 Farm Bill.Although the occ... More

September 25, 2008  - Saying that they are a necessary tool to protect animal and public health, the National Pork Producers Council at a congressional hearing held today urged lawmakers not to restrict the use of antibiotics in pork production.Testifying on behalf of NPPC, Dr. Craig Rowles, a veterinarian and partner with Elite Pork in Carroll, Iowa, told the House Agriculture Committee’s livestock subcommittee that p... More

September 22, 2008  - The National Pork Producers Council today hailed the announcement by the Bush administration that it will begin negotiations to join the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership, a free trade agreement between Chile, New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei.The United States in March began talks with the so-called Pacific 4, or P4, countries on investment and financial services as a precursor to poss... More

September 17, 2008  - An undercover video shot by the animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shows on an Iowa farm mistreatment of hogs, including practices not condoned and, in fact, abhorred by America’s pork producers. The National Pork Producers Council condemns the mistreatment of animals that took place on the Iowa farm in question. NPPC also is concerned that PETA did not alert the prope... More

August 7, 2008  - The National Pork Producers Council expressed disappointment with today’s decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reject a waiver of the federal ethanol production mandate for Texas. The waiver would have eased uncertainty over feed supplies and prices and helped bring long-term stability to U.S. pork producers and consumers, according to NPPC. “We are deeply disappointed with EPA... More

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