Welcome to the California Department of Food and Agriculture

Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services: Contact Information

PHPPS Division, Branch or Program
Phone Number (916) Area Code
E-Mail Address
Pest Exclusion Branch
  • Bringing plants, fruits and vegetables into California

  • Quarantine activities against agricultural pests
  • 654-0312 peinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    PHPPS Administration Support staff services for Division 654-0317 phppsinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    Integrated Pest Control Branch Biological control and other treatments of pests (including weed pests) in State 654-0768 ipcinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    Light Brown Apple Moth Project Light Brown Apple Moth Eradication Activities 651-2871 lbam@cdfa.ca.gov
    Permits and Regulations Program Develops regulations and issues requests for special permits to bring plant materials into California 654-1017 sbrown@cdfa.ca.gov
    Pest Detection/Emergency Projects Branch Ongoing pest detection/trapping surveys and eradication projects 654-1211 pdepinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch Identification of pest specimens 262-1100 ppdinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    Pierce's Disease Control Program/GWSS Glassy-winged sharpshooter and Pierce's Disease control activities 322-2804 pdcpinfo@cdfa.ca.gov
    United States Department of Agriculture Federal Agricultural Programs 857-6241 USDA link
    Click image for contact information

    Questions? - Additional Contact Information for Staff in Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services: