US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 29 May 2008

Revised Research Plan



See also:
Press Release (dtd 29 May, 2008)

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About The Revised Research Plan:

This Revised Research Plan is an update to the 2003 Strategic Plan of the US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), a document that was developed via a thorough, open and transparent multi-year process involving a wide range of scientists and managers.

The Strategic Plan has long-term value to CCSP, but like any strategic plan, it must be supplemented by shorter-term revisions that take into account both advances in the science and changes in societal needs, and CCSP has an ongoing long-range strategic planning process to ensure that these needs are met. The Revised Research Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Research Plan) draws on CCSP’s long-range planning process and provides this update, in compliance with the terms of the Global Change Research Act (GCRA) of 1990.

In the Research Plan, the reader will find several things:

1) an updated statement of vision, goals and capabilities consistent with CCSP’s current Strategic Plan but reflecting both scientific progress and the evolution of the Program based on accomplishments and evolving societal and environmental needs;

2) a description of the relationship of the Research Plan to the current Scientific Assessment;

3) highlights of ways in which the program is evolving in the context of the progress made over the years 2003-2007 since the Strategic Plan was put in place, and a description of the priorities that have emerged as a result;

4) a description of research plans for the coming years, in order to build upon the work envisioned in the Strategic Plan and begun over the past four years.

A summary of the Revised Research Plan was available to the public for comments (Federal Register Notice, 28 December, 2007). The purpose of this Summary of the Research Plan is to provide information about the structure, scope and content of the Research Plan, in order to solicit and facilitate public comment about the Plan.


2003 Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Overview. Brief (2 page) background document.  Also available as PDF file.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program.  Vision for the Program and Highlights of the Scientific Strategic PlanA Report (41 pages) by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. (posted 24 July 2003)

  • HTML
  • PDF  (6.7 Mb)
  • Hardcopy.  Order a copy through the GCRIO Online Catalog.
  • CD.  Order through the GCRIO Online Catalog.

Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.  A Report (364 pages) by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. (posted 24 July 2003)

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Revised Research Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program

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