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Investing in Municipal Bonds

BusinessWeek Contributing Editor Chris Farrell on why municipal bonds are an attractive investment now, and how to take advantage of the opportunities available

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For those CEOs that can put their nerves aside, the chances for snapping up a rival on the cheap have never been better.

Ben Steverman, Investing Insights

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A Chinese Depression?

BW Chief Economist Mike Mandel explains why China, so far relatively unscathed, could be badly hurt by the rapid fall in global trade

The Debate Room

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Outlaw Parental Smoking

In light of the new report about the dangers of thirdhand smoke—plus what's already known about secondhand smoke—governments should make it illegal for people with children to smoke. Pro or con?


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TARP: The Sequel

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Bank of America Needs to Cut Its Dividend

BW's Matthew Goldstein argues it's only fair to demand cost cutting and shareholder sacrifices before more money is forked over

Investing Insights: Money Market Yields Swallowed by Fees

The fees you're paying to your tax-free money market fund's managers are likely higher than the mere pennies you’re earning from the fund

Stocks Finish Higher

Bargain hunters lifted the major indexes Thursday. The focus remained on financial stocks amid news on Citigroup and Bank of America

Vital Signs: More Bad Earnings News to Come?

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Investing With Gene Marcial

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Read Gene Marcial's popular Inside Wall Street columns plus his online-only analysis of stocks based on conversations with top investment pros.

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Sam Stovall's Sector Watch

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Q4 Earnings: How Will Sectors Stack Up?

S&P's chief investment strategist offers a preview of how key groups will fare as earnings season gets under way