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Giving to CAFNR

Excellence in teaching, research and extension has always been a priority within our College.

The Family Farm
To protect the ideal and create a lasting legacy, consider making a gift of your family farm to benefit the University of Missouri. To learn more about making a gift of farm property, or other types of real estate, call toll free 800-970-9977 or via e-mail at All inquiries are confidential.
  • Our students benefit by learning from the finest teachers and scientists. Then, as graduates of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, they go into the world with the tools they need to excel in their careers.
  • Our researchers produce knowledge and products that benefit society and the economy.
  • Our alumni, already proud, will spread the word about this great college throughout Missouri and to every corner of the Earth, and people will come to learn and teach and research and begin the process anew.

This is our mission and destiny. We invite you to invest in our pursuit of excellence, For All We Call Mizzou, and create living legacies that span generations.

Reasons to Give

Susan Lasley

Susan Lasley

I give to our Farms and Centers because that's where I got my start and it's always been home to me. The people who work there are so dedicated and treat the land like it's their own. It's not flashy work, but so much of what we do in CAFNR starts on the Farms and Centers.

From raising crops directly for research purposes, to raising crops that feed the animals that are used in research, the Farms and Centers are an important part of what we do in CAFNR.

John Poehlmann

Being with the College for over 30 years and even working with it before that, I have seen the impact and progress made by our scientists, staff and students. From the citizen members on our Centers, Farms and Forests advisory committees you will find specific examples of how CAFNR has helped them. Leaders in the industry that were students at Mizzou are perfect examples.

I'm just a small link in the long chain of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and want to help the momentum continue to build and accomplish greater works.

Amber Scherer

Amber Scherer

While I was a student at Mizzou, I had to make some tough choices about degree programs and career opportunities.

When I entered the University, my plan was to become a doctor and I selected a degree program that supported that plan.

I began my coursework and I realized that I wasn't as happy as I should be if I was going to do this for the rest of my life. More

The Nolans

Mike and Paula Nolan

I am sure many of you reading this will understand when I say that many of life's key events are unplanned and unanticipated.

Such was the case with international work and me. Five years after coming to the University of Missouri as a faculty member I did not even possess a passport.

Five years after that I had accumulated over a million frequent flier miles and was actively involved in collaborative research in five countries scattered across the globe. More

Jean Miller

Jean Miller

As the old saying goes, "walk a mile in my shoes," and I'll show you that there's room to put a little creativity and joy in every day, even if it means those shoes you're walking in are lime green and sparkly. (I enjoy creating and wearing unique jewelry and accessories to make every day more special!)

Walking a mile in my shoes would also show you there's time to get to know every student that crosses your path, and huge satisfaction in supporting the My Mizzou program. More

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