News and Media

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A newsletter surveying national events affecting Rural America. Includes in-depth features, Corporate Farming Notes, and many short, newsy pieces of general interest.

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News Releases
We are committed to keeping the issues facing rural America in the news media. The work we do in rural communities, with public policy and with farmers and ranchers is disseminated in news releases.

Weekly Column
Center staff write a weekly column that is made available for publication.

Opinion Editorial
Center staff occasionally write opinion editorials about the issues facing rural America and policy options that we promote.

Center in the News
The Center maintains a page featuring excerpts and links to just some of the media generated by, referencing, or quoting Center staff, board members, and supporters.

Blog for Rural America
Center staff maintain the Blog for Rural America. The blog was perhaps the first blog dedicated to rural issues. Permission to reprint items from this web log is hereby granted, on the condition that clear credit is given to the original source of the material. If the blog provides information for a story, please let us know by sending an email to

Corporate Farming
Industrial agriculture has been defined, even by its proponents, as a system where the farm owner, the farm manager and the farm worker are different people. That's a dramatic change from the historic structure of agriculture, where the people who labor in farming also make the decisions and reap the profits of their work.