Ag. Secretary Revisited: A Renewed Call for Reform

Editors Note: This third guest post for Ethicurean is a continuation of my post from November. It's also posted below. Enjoy!

In the five weeks since the election and almost a month since my first post about the Secretary of Agriculture, a lot has changed. But one thing has become increasingly clear: the people that voted for Barack Obama expect change at the head of USDA.

The next person to head the Department of Agriculture needs to be someone willing to step outside the status quo.

The idea is gaining traction, with nods from Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times, Chuck Hassebrook in the Des Moines Register, and over 35,000 grassroots individuals at And the call for change is growing.

The “short list” of candidates is changing as well, perhaps in response to the many voices echoing a desire for reform in food and agriculture. Keep up the pressure, folks.

Here is an update of where things stand based on a variety of media reports. Keep in mind that all of this is speculative at best.

New Candidates

Several new candidates emerged since my last post. Most frequently mentioned are Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Colorado Congressman John Salazar and Georgia Congressman Sanford Bishop. Another is Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff.

But candidates drop off as fast as they come on. Sebelius withdrew herself from consideration. Salazar grabbed an appointment on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, fueling speculation that he will not be Obama’s choice. As of December 9, Bishop said the transition team had not contacted him, suggesting that he may not be in the running either.

Kristof’s New York Times piece also suggests my boss and Center for Rural Affairs Executive Director Chuck Hassebrook. Perhaps a dark horse candidate, but one with a clear record of advocating for the change Obama promises to bring to rural America.

Updates on Other Candidates

Of the candidates initially considered to be at the top of the list, several have dropped off. Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack has not been contacted by the transition team and assumed that he was not being considered. House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson said that he does not want the job. Former Texas Congressman Charles Stemholm said publicly that he does not expect to be picked.

Though it doesn’t mean they are out of the running, there has been very little media attention outside of the blogosphere about National Farmers Union President Tom Buis, South Dakota Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, and National Black Farmers Association President John Boyd.

Keep the pressure on

All the rumors and speculation aside, the fact that the announcement hasn't been made means that there is still time for our voices to be heard. If you haven't done so yet, consider the positions mentioned in my last post, ask people you think would qualify to submit applications and send your suggestions to your Democratic Senators and to

Showing the widespread support for changes in the food system now can only help to get better candidates for all USDA appointments.

Yes, a Secretary of Food is

Yes, a Secretary of Food is a much better title. The first thing he or she should do is get rid of the wasteful "safety net" of handouts to producers of some crops but not others. All these schemes do is price the risk out of farm land and rents, raising those input costs for producers at the expense of taxpayers.

secretary of what?

Its the secretary we need to reinvent, not a renamed department. There's a lot more to agriculture and rural America than food.And revitalizing rural America, agriculture, and our food supply must be a comprehensive effort. Whoever takes the job should make it a labor of love.

Couldn't agree more...

Rick, We couldn't agree more. If I was going to change the name it would be to include "rural" not "food." Regardless of name though, you are 100% right that we need a USDA and a Secretary of Agriculture that takes the plight of all of rural America seriously. This includes both food and agricultural issues, but it also includes renewable energy, small business and community development. Heck, I even thing the next head of USDA should come out swinging for universal health care reform.


No one can define a farmer.  It has turned into whoever says they are.  We need to make it farmer, one who lives on the land and owns the land and the livestock.   Anything else is industrial ag and should be declared as a business, and taxed as such.   Property should be taxed as commercial as well.   Eliminate subsidies for anyone with an income over 100,000.   Get a handle on our food, and limit antibiotic use.

Kevin, I sure don't want to

Kevin, I sure don't want to be the member of any protected class because I own land and farm it, the way my family has for six generations. It is a business like any other and I don;t want, need, or expect any handouts. I don't want my tax money confiscated to provide handouts to people who are not needy, either.


Agriculture is so much and more, food, fiber, fuel, medicine, entertainment, experiment, livelihood!  That I could be a farmer!  Formal education in ag, 10 + years experience, 29 years old, progressive.  What is there for me in rural america?  Hopefully a future.

I couldnt agree more that

I couldnt agree more that the handouts have to stop.  Especially the payments to farmers who own crops just to get paid NOT to produce crops.  I mentioned this in another post but the Secretary of Ag isnt a glamour position in the media but boy is it important.


The small farmers

are our lifeblood. They need to be treated as such. No more pandering to corp farming and industrial ag. Obama said change, so now lets see. Middleton

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