Join the Rural Action Network: Endorse the Petition

Strengthen America's Family Farms and Rural Communities

America is strongest when all of its people have access to genuine opportunity. To contribute to the nation's prosperity, rural America must share in it.

We must change our course and support farm and rural policy that revitalizes rural America.

The single most effective thing Congress can do to strengthen rural America is to target farm programs to family farms. Today, unlimited farm program checks subsidize large, aggressively expanding operations that drive up land costs and drive their smaller neighbors out of business. Reforming farm programs will save money, and that money can be invested in creating a future for rural America.

Rural Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial, small business development lifts the veil of poverty and dependence on low-wage work, creates economic opportunity, and brings people back to rural areas.

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers: Supporting the future of family farming and ranching through training, mentoring, and education is a down payment on a vibrant future for all of rural America.

Conservation: Conservation programs that reward farmers and ranchers for good stewardship on working lands rather than by what and how much they produce protects the soil, water, and air for all of America.

Sign Below. Tell Congress: Support farm and rural policy that strengthens rural America!

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A movement made up of you, your friends, and your neighbors is stronger than the most powerful voices speaking against us. After you sign the petition, consider forwarding this page to others who will join you in standing up for family farmers, ranchers, and small towns.