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Browser plugin

Click here to see what the plugin looks like in Firefox.

Adding the plugin to your browser makes it easy to run a quick plant name search without having to go to the IPNI search form, and without even having to open the IPNI website itself.

Full plant names without authors can be copied from elsewhere and pasted directly into the search engine box on your navigation toolbar without have to separate and paste the name elements into the relevant boxes. You will be taken directly to the results page.

If you have other browser plugins you can quickly run a subsequent search on the same name in other sites, e.g. on IOPI, Google or Wikipedia.

The search works in exactly the same way as "Quick Search" on the Plant Name Query form and wildcards can be used.

There are several caveats that apply to Quick Search, whether you use the search form or the browser plugin:

  • The search is case sensitive

  • Authors must be omitted

  • Results are returned at the same rank as the rank of the name input

  • Hybrid signs must be omitted

See more details and some example searches here.

Installing the plugin is simple, quick and you can start using it immediately. It works with Firefox or IE7.





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